
believe me this is true

foreigners YY: "saru Fall King of the unspoken truth," even the translation of (ZT)

Saurfang built WoW simply so he had an excuse to stick dragons heads on huge sticks. He doesn't need an excuse, but who are we to question his motives?

Hakkar the soulflayer was Saurfangs prison bitch.

High Overlord Saurfang has more Health than Thrall, Cairne, and Sylvanas combined. He can tank a Silithid Collossal like it's a Dig Rat. He has innate Bloodlust, no shaman required . When he's hit by Knockback, his enemy gets thrown.

He still wears Might Battlegear ... Because he can.

He enchanted his High Warlord's Greataxe with Agility. Why ? To make it green, like his orc skin.

Saurfang can Execute his enemy at 100% Health ... Just to save them both time.

High Overlord Saurfang's Warrior abilities cost 0 Rage ... He's always fully pissed off.

He considers "Two Hand" to just be a suggestion for his weapon, not a requirement.

Anachronos will stop despawning at 20% only if Saurfang decides it's his time.

Orgrimmar lags because it can't handle the full might of Saurfang.

Saurfang secretly contrived the invasion of the Burning Legion to challenge his strength.

Area-effect target caps were implemented after Saurfang used Cleave on Stormwind and it destroyed Draenor.

Saurfang's Sunder Armor is permanent.

High Overlord Saurfang is always In Combat.

When saurfang drops the soap, he rapes everyone.

Saurfang is he that watches they. Which may or may not include Gamon, so he hides in the tavern.

Gamon hides in the inn because he questioned why saurfang was moonkin specced.

The Maelstrom is the result of Saurfang using Whirlwind on a ship.

Mankrik's wife made the mistake of telling Saurfang that Sword Spec was superior ...

High Overlord Saurfang is currently suing The Lich King, claiming The Scourge was already the trademarked name for his teeth.

High Overlord Saurfang is so powerful he would get a Dishonorable Kill for slaying Nefarian ... That's why he has you do it instead.

Items can't Soul-bind to Saurfang ... He doesn't have one.

High Overlord Saurfang once got dared by Thrall to punch a wall in Orgrimmar. The impact created Ragefire Chasm. < br />
Square Enix raised their 9999 damage damage cap just in case Saurfang raided Final Fantasy and used Mortal Strike.

High Overlord Saurfang decided that 9 months was too long ... So he Charged his way out of the womb.

Blizzard won't let Heroes like Thrall wage wars because of their Quest obligations. High Overlord Saurfang is the exception ... He can be in 2 places at once.

Saurfang vacations in Northrend.

A newbie once said "free food plz", so Saurfang ate his face and replied "Don't mind if I do."

Saurfang is Exalted with both the Bloodsail Buccaneers and Booty Bay at the same time.

A priest, a paladin, and Varimathras walk into a bar ... So High Overlord Saurfang slaughtered them for treason.

Ninjas' real ultimate power is second-hand ... Saurfang outgrew it.

High Overlord Saurfang demanded 6 hours of silence for meditation every week. The result of this is Tuesday Morning Downtime.

His tears cure newbism; It's too bad he removed the tear ducts from his eyes with a sawblade on a dare from Grom. Grom's reaction earned him the last name Hellscream.

Saurfang collects only the heads of dragons. He eats the rest.

The quickest way to a man's heart is Saurfang.

Arthas was actually the Lich King's second choice ... Saurfang mocked his request.

Saurfang vendored Frostmourne.

High Overlord Saurfang can destroy any single monster or hero in World of Warcraft.

High Overlord Saurfang can pop Retaliation, Bestial Wrath, Mage Armor, Elemental Mastery and Moonkin Form all at once. Pretty impssive for a warrior.

When High Overlord Saurfang AFK's out of a Battle Ground, YOU get the deserter buff.

Saurfang was born a 7-time Mr. Olympia

Saurfang has dug to Lordaeron from the Barrens.

Rome was not built in a day, but it was destroyed by Saurfang in 5 minutes.

Once Saurfang used Hamstring on Wirt. This caused him to lose his leg (s).

Saurfang has 92 chromosomes and there all poisonous.

When Saurfang joined the Kalimdor traveling orchestra, to the day he left and right up to now there were only ever two songs that were played: " Symphony of destruction "and" Symphony of Frost and Flame "

Saurfang is exalted with the Alliance, Horde, Scourge and Burning legion at the same time.

Just like Arthas, those who have fought Saurfang have died. But Saurfang serves no one except himself.

High Overlord Saurfangs demoralising shout is that demoralising it causes all to hear it to commit suicide.

Saurfang uses dark iron spears as toothpicks, Fell cloth as handkerchiefs, and mooncloth as toilet paper.

Swamp of sorrows was created by saurfang crying for 10years because he lost Mr.Tinky

If you were worth High Overlord Saurfang's time, you would be dead before he got to you. Nobody can withstand the pssure and electricity of being sought after by him, so their brain implodes upon knowing. Even if it's not true

Ragnaros is Saurfang's cigarette lighter. C'thun is his ash tray.

Saurfang, as a child liked to build sandcastles, just like we do. But his still stands today, and is now known as Blackrock Mountain, the other is Mount Hyjal. And when he when to Northrend on his 9th birthday, he created Ice Crown glacier.

Vlad the impaler, Ivan the terrible, Count Dracula, Alexander the great , Genghis Kahn, Joseph Stalin, Adolph Hitler, Satan, and the Grim Reaper are all Saurfang impersonators.

Saurfang is that powerful no woman could give birth to him, so he gave birth to himself.

"Hardcore" is a word to describe the flesh of Saurfang, no other word has been invented so strong or descriptive enough to describe what lies beneath all that hide. And to that nobody ever will.

If Saurfang could go back in time to fight himself, he'd win. He's that damn good.

Saurfang once exchanged his soul to Archimonde for eternal power, and with that new power he defeated Archimonde in Mortal Kombat and took his soul back. Archimonde now realizes the irony of such a trade-off. Now Archimonde, Kil 'Jaeden, Manaroth, Tichondrius, The Lich king and Saurfang meet every Tuesday night for poker in a lavishly decorated games hall.

Because Saurfang is so incredible he cannot have children. This level of awesomeness contained in a single world would make it sunder and collapse into itself.

In the beginning there was Saurfang.

HO Saurfang does not use Tabasco sauce, he uses molten lava, and if he wanted his dessert to be iced, he uses volcanic ash.

Killing, well , because he can ... and if you ask him why, he'd kill you too, and your family.

The world revolves around Saurfang.

Saurfang can kill you, and then kill your spirit before it has time to ascend / descend to heaven / hell.

Archimonde is Saurfang's imp. Mannoroth is Saurfang's fell hunter. Both failed to live up to his awesomeness.

We all live because Saurfang is not impssed with how we fight to the point where he does not bother with our pathetic ways, but those who get in his way shall truly learn the meaning of Torment.

The movie "Armageddon" was based on true events, though they have been changed according to what people see as
"morals "..... the meteor was actually one of Saurfang's craps that penetrated into outer space. The rest is truth, except nobody could drill through the "meteor", which crashed into the planet, creating Dreanor as we know and see it today.

When Saurfang casts demoralizing shout, it is that demoralizing and heart breaking to everyone around him that they no longer see the point in living, so they commit suicide.

Once, when Saurfang one-man raided Ironforge, he thought it was too easy, and wanted to raid Stormwind too. Thus he Charged his way straight through the mountain. This created the tunnel of Deeprun Tram.

Anyone who comes within a 3 mile radius of High Overlord Saurfang and does not get murdered can call that "a close encounter".

If Saurfang can do it, that does not imply any or everyone else can. This is Saurfang we are talking about after all.

If you could count all the souls Saurfang has eaten, and foes he has slain, you would have reached infinity more than that amount of times.

The Second war of orcs and humans was only a chess game Saurfang was playing. There are two sides to a game of chess, and
Saurfang can be at multiple places in the same moment, so he was playing against himself. Nobody knows who won; because Saurfang got tired of playing against Saurfang and started plotting the return of the burning legion ... this was devised to add more immersive experience and a 3rd party to an otherwise boring game.

Saurfang can threaten the Homeworld.

The Horde would have gotten Saurfang to destroy Archimonde with one blow but they were too scared to wake him up.

Saurfang is a class of his own.

Blizzard once tried to nerf Saurfang but changed their mind after he murdered the programming team.

You know the Master's glaive in Darkshore? That wasn't a titan-it was Saurfang.

Saurfang doesn't appear to have a mount, look closer-everything on the planet is standing on it.

When Saurfang kills a player, they die .... permanently.

Saurfang holds the world record for gnome punting, three times round the Earth's circumference.

The world didn't fall apart after the Well of Eternity imploded because Saurfang is holding it together with his feet.
< br /> Saurfang can wipe a 40 man raid decked out in full epics just by staring at them menacingly.

Saurfang can one-man every raid boss in the game simultaneously with all his limbs tied behind his back , a blindfold, earplugs, and a mouth gag-all while unarmed.

In the upcoming Warcraft movie, Saurfang will be played by Chuck Norris.

When Suarfang reached level 10 , he immediately joined the queue for Warsong Gulch. Before the queue ended he was level 63.
High Overlord Saurfang plays in the level 63 tier of Warsong Gulch. All of the other leaders got tired of losing, so now he only plays with himself, he always wins.

Saurfang has only farted once, this incident created the race of the Undead.

Saurfang counted to infinity ... twice.

The Un'Goro crater was actually created when Saurfang tripped on a rock and fell.

The Titan's left Azeroth because Saurfang told them to GTFO.

The reason C'Thun is in a weakened state is because Saurfang breathed on him briefly.

Saurfang has his own Reputation Bar, and he hates everyone.

The Gnomes once asked Saurfang what would happen if buttered toast was strapped to a Cat's back and the cat was dropped.
Saurfang responded by throwing the cat in the air and cleaving it in half as it came down, one half landed on it's feet, the
other on it's back thus proving that Saurfang is awesome.

The Alliance: Horde Population imbalance is to compensate for Saurfang.

Saurfang's Hamstring hits for 6000 damage.

Saurfang's tank is fight.

Saurfang can see why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

Saurfang is the reason why Ragnaros is submerged.

Saurfang can mount and ride a zeppelin.

The reason they removed the teleporting from bay to bay was that Saurfang's molecular structure prohibits dissolution. All the people involved in all the teleportations died when he attempted.

Saurfang does more by 11 AM than we do in our entire lifetimes.

Saurfang once took a trip in The Barrens. As he sat down and his sweat ran - Thousand Needles was created.

The impgnable area Dalaran was created to keep some people alive in case Saurfang had a bad day.

Anyone can pee on the bathroom floor, but Saurfang can shit on the ceiling!

Saurfang has an alliance alt named Field Marshal Afrasiabi but he doesn't play with it alot

saru Phare constructed wow, so he had an excuse to hang a faucet. He does not need an excuse, but we are Who was? Dare to inquire about his motives?

haka is saru Fall prison bitch. (???)< Br />
saru Fall of HP than the Saar, Kane, Silva Lady gets. He can easily tank a giant mutant worm (looks like ... ...), just like in the tank as a dig rat. He is inherently bloodthirsty, and do not need to rely on shaman. When the enemy comes back, he will be thrown out.

He was still dressed in force ... ... because he can cover.

his ax on the attached is the agile. Why? Is to make it look dazzling, good and his color match.

Manolos are saru Fall OOXX Succubus product. (Uh ... ...)

saru Fall full of blood could be eye of the tiger opponents to resolve out ... ... This saves time for each other.

saru Afar warrior skills, anger does not consume all right ... ... he was bored.

he has weapons of the "hands" only as a suggestion, not required. (Shawan Yi He can single-hand)

Only when saru Farr think it damn time 阿纳克洛斯 will not in 20% of the time to use the clock back. (ARSK encountered saru Fall is also impossible to use "time - to stop bar!")

Orgrimmar delay is due to the strength of saru Fall too, can not possibly handle .

saru, Fall secretly planning the invasion of the Burning Legion to the challenge themselves.

saru Fall of Stormwind City cast Cleave destroyed when the Delano, then on, Blizzard added a goal for the number of attacks on the scope of restrictions.

the look of love rio Fall Penetration is permanent.

saru Fall is always in the fighting.

saru, Fall out with soap (money?) will OOXX (???) anyone.

saru Fall watched a bunch of people. May or may not include Jia Moer, so he hid in the hotel.

Jia Moer hiding in the pub because he asked so why should saru Fall Moonkin Specialization. (???)< Br />
large vortex is saru Fall on board displaying the results of the cyclone.

Mankelike wife had made a mistake, she said saru Fall Sword Specialization better (10 words Mankelike junctions NPC, he has a task is to find the missing of the wife)

saru Fall Lich King is currently being sued, claiming that natural disasters, the name is registered to his teeth. rio

Phare big Wangtai Jiang, and so kill the Black Dragon GG will lead to the non-honor ... ... and he bowled call you to kill.

eye of the tiger items can not bind to the saru Fall soul ... soul ... he was not even at all.

Once Saar provocation saru Fall, so that he smashed a hole in the wall, resulting Zachu inside of Orgrimmar that copies (Ragefire rift?)
< br /> Squre Enix to upgrade their 9999 damage limit in case saru Fall raid Final Fantasy, and the use of lethal combat.

saru Farr think 9 months is too long ... ... and he ran an assault his mother's womb.

Blizzard will not let Saar war heroes like that, because they had to deal with the task. Saru, Farr is an exception ... ... that he can instantaneously appear in two places.

saru Fall vacation in Northrend.

a novice to say "Please give me free food / free food please enjoy.", so saru Phare eating his face and replied: "If you do not mind doing so."

saru Fall for the pirates sail the blood (BB), and Booty Bay (BB) is the prestige of worship.

power of the horde priest, paladin, and 瓦里玛萨斯 into the bar ... ... saru Fall to treason on behalf of them all killed. were

Ninja is the root of second-hand ... ... saru Fall already created it.

week saru Farr need to meditate six hours. This is every Tuesday morning's downtime.

his tears can cure newbism (novice doctrine??); however bad he Greaume of provocation by the saw cut off the lacrimal gland. Gnome's response has won for itself the name of hell roar.

saru, Fall Collection only dragon's head. Other parts of the by him to eat.

saru Fall is the gateway to the fastest shortcut hearts of men. (Blow put the others broke the chest ???)< br />
Alsace is the Lich King's second choice ... ... saru Farr reported on his request for a mockery.

saru Farr sold the cream of sadness.

li saru Fall in wow you can eliminate any one monster and heroes.

power of the horde saru Fall can simultaneously display their counter storms, wild fury, magic Armor, element control, as well as Moonkin Form. For a fighter who is really impressive ah.

When the saru King Fall AKF from the battlefield, you get fugitive buff.

saru Fall is inherently seven degrees, Mr. Olympia (seemingly refers to Schwarzenegger).

saru Fall dug from a barren land of Lordaeron.

Rome was not built in a day, but saru Fall in 5 minutes, destroying it.

Once saru Fall for Witte performed like a broken tendons, so the latter lost his leg.

saru Fall 92 chromosomes, are poisonous.

from the rio Farr joined Kalimdor travel Orchestra, to his exit, until now, only played two tunes: "Symphony of Destruction" and "Symphony of Frost and Fire."

saru, Fall and alliances, tribes, natural disasters, power of the horde and the Burning Legion's reputation is worship.

like Alsace, all played with the rio Afar people are dead. The difference is that there is no master rio Fall.

saru Fall Demoralizing Shout lets hear suicide.

saru Fall Iron spear to do with toothpicks, the devil cloth handkerchiefs, toilet paper on cloth.

saru Fall Lianku 10 years, formed the Swamp of Sorrows, because he lost Mr.Tinky (?? may be a toy?).

Once saru Fall fancy you have not met you, you will die. No one can withstand that kind of pressure and current, and their brains explode. Even if that is not true.

Ragnaros is saru Fall lighter. Ke Suen is the ashtray.

saru, Fall, like us, a child likes to take the sand castle. But now he take those still there, and that is the black Rock Hill and Mount Hyjal. 9-year-old birthday when he went to Northrend, take the ice cap glacier.

power of the horde Cizhe Buddha Ladd, Ivan the Great, Count Dracula, Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, Stalin, Hitler, Satan, as well as death, they are saru Fall imitators.

saru Fall too, and no woman can be at his birth, and he himself with myself.

"Hardcore" is used to describe saru Farr body. In addition, no other words to explain his body implies something. No one will ever have.

if saru Fall back in time to play with himself, he will win. He is TMD cattle.

saru, Farr has described the exchange of his soul with the eternal power of Archimonde. After he used this power in the Mortal Kombat (looks like a Battle game) to defeat Archimonde, recapturing the soul. Archimonde now know that the irony of this sale. Archimonde, Kil'jaeden, Mana Loos, Ti Kang de Dios, Lich King and saru Afar, and now every Tuesday night Ji Mei Mountain power of the horde Huang Huan TAL Wren brag torsion cochlear Tenth tangled Smilax Industry slander  californium Nam beer? br />

saru, Farr has Tauren size tadpole.

************** something hidden partition line *******************< br />
saru Fall's pretty amazing, we can not have kids. This level of awesome power would make the division of the world collapsed.

At first, there is rio Afar.

the dawn of history, all the general evolution of races have not started before the saru Fall we have already achieved. He began to breed a lot of little tadpoles as floods inundated half the world, the advent of winter, freezing everything. This is the Ice Age.

saru Fall without Tabasco hot sauce, he used Molten magma. If you want frozen dessert, he would use volcanic ash.

power of the horde saru Fall is also a warrior lover. Obviously, he likes to make love to do, as long as the Night Elf population count to see how many turned into Blood Elves, and this is proof.

kill ~ ah, because he can ... ... if you ask why the kill, he will kill you, and your whole family.

the world turn around saru Farr.

saru Phare will kill you, then kill your soul, in it too late to go to heaven or hell before.

Archimonde is saru Fall of the devil. Mana Los hell yes saru Fall dogs. They are lower than the terrible extent of saru Fall.

The reason why we live, because we do not try to make saru Fall bored of unremitting efforts, simply will not attracted his attention. Those who stand in his way a guy who can really understand what is called pain.

the movie "Armageddon" (Bruce Willis is a nuclear explosion in the asteroid on the holes of that of the films) are based on a true incident power of the horde adaptation, but according to some so-called moral Adapted ... ... meteorite is thrown into outer space, the Phare saru dice. The remaining part is true, except that no one can drill through that meteorites and eventually it will fall on the planet, creating as we know it today, Delano.

saru Fall cast Demoralizing Shout, the next everyone was heartbroken and could not see the meaning to live, so they committed suicide.

On one occasion, saru, France  & Suites § ž aid furnace, he felt very relaxed, and decided to raid Zaiqu storm. Thus an assault, through the mountains. Subway tunnel was born.

if a person can enter from the rio Fall 3 miles within the die, it can be called a "close contact." (Seemingly close contact with UFO's behavior as close contact, is divided into the first category, second category ... ...)

saru Farr possible does not mean that others can. We are talking about, after all, saru, Fall.

If you want to eat Fall calculate saru power of the horde of the soul and Shaguo opponents, more often you will count to infinity.

second war is just saru Fall of a game of chess. There are two parties playing chess, while the saru Fall can appear in different places at the same time, so he was with his next. No one knows who wins; saru Phare tired of this to himself under the chess, so planning the return of the Burning Legion ... ... for a boring chess joined the third party.

dwarf who asked saru Afar, if the butter toast tied to a cat's back, and then dropped to the cat, what would happen?
saru, throw the cat Fall air, and then it split in half. Half of the foot landing, half back floor ... ... This proves that saru Fall terrible. (A bit cold ... ...)

Union and the population imbalance between the tribes in order to compensate for the impact of Phare saru.

power of the horde saru Fall 6000 injury was a broken tendon.

saru, The Fall is a battle tank. (???)< Br />
saru Falmin white why kids love cinnamon toast toast.

saru Fall is the Rugby diving reasons.

saru Fall can ride airship.

canceled because of the Gulf to send saru Fall prevented decomposition of the molecular structure. To send people who died.

**************** salabuhar adults translation, uh, dinosaur teeth = saru Fall ******** **************< br />
dinosaur teeth can be a threat to our planes.

tribes wanted to power of the horde of dinosaur teeth King blow killed Hakmoun was, unexpectedly found that they even wake up the power of King Dinosaur teeth are not.

dinosaur teeth dinosaur tooth belonging to King of King units.

storm Snow once would like to weaken the king of the dinosaur teeth, dinosaur teeth, but in the king destroyed their project team, they quickly changed their minds,

know the master of the sword Mody? people actually made a mistake, That's not Titan, that is the king of the!

King looks like there is no horse, but when you look closer you will find some of his horse while carrying the entire bit plane.

The reason why the world does not end with the eternal explosion destroyed wells because the king with his feet when folded it.

king of eyes can be used to kill 40 Need a player and equipment.

In the next film, King will check power of the horde Norris to play .....< br />
(Chuck Norris. The word had a separate article. Chuck Norris is Lame. He was a martial artist, played in a TV series, is about "TEXAS RANGER" like the name of strike, which played an American hero. Unfortunately, the speech is too contrived and the failure ... ... A busybody brings results on the network was "100 TOP facts about Chuck Norris", a comprehensive satire of Chuck Norris's martial arts, domineering, as well as sexual performance. this thing in the United States caused a sensation on the network effect, Chuck Norris so well-known of ... ... he is the United States, Sister Furong ... ...)

When the king, when he was 10 and immediately began to row Warsong Gulch, and so he went into battle Battle Hymn of the time he was 63 and had.

63power of the horde, and the king on the battlefield after the defeat of the other leaders, to fend for themselves and their own songs down the gauntlet, so he always win.

king of your life you just let a fart, which unfortunately has created this great fart souls of natural disasters.

Ke Suen will enter the weakness of the reason why the state was mainly due to the dinosaur teeth Naishi king on his breath and Kazakhstan.

when the king made a seven-year-old wet dream, this dream became a reality, that is, we are well-known Emerald Dream.

Titan left the love of the drawing is because the king asked them to give me TMD roll!

King has its own reputation, he was in, and all is the hate state.

**************** Chee adults sweat in the following extension ************* ****< br />
power of the horde saru, Ibrahima Fall, before 11 am doing more than our lifetime.

saru Fall in barren land travel, and when he sat down when the flow of sweat - Thousand Needles was born. (Good strong corrosive ... ...)

Dalaran barrier is to the day when the time saru Fall make some people unhappy survive.

everyone on the floor in the bathroom to urinate, but saru Fall can write great articles on the ceiling! (.... ...)

Saru Fall League has a howl than Ai Fasci Marshal, but he was not always on. (Storm City Heroes Valley that 62 elite)

week saru Farr need 6 hours meditation. This is every Tuesday morning's downtime.

his tears can cure newbism (novice doctrine??); however bad he Greaume of provocation by the saw cut off the lacrimal gland. Gnome's response has won for itself the name of hell roar.

saru, Fall Collection is only power of the horde dragon's head. Other parts of the by him to eat.

saru Fall is the gateway to the fastest shortcut hearts of men. (Blow put the others broke the chest ???)< br />
Alsace is the Lich

stuff, he can single-hand)

Only when the saru Farr think it damn time 阿纳克洛斯 will not use the 20% of the time the clock back. (ARSK encountered saru Fall is also impossible to use "time - to stop bar!")

Orgrimmar delay is due to the strength of saru Fall too, can not possibly handle .

saru, Fall secretly planning the invasion of the Burning Legion to the challenge themselves.

saru Fall of Stormwind when displaying Cleave destroyed Delano Since then, in order to

Germany, Kil, Mana Loos, Ti Kang Dios, Lich King and saru, Fall, and now every Tuesday night Ji Mei Huang Huan TAL Wren brag Smilax industry Tenth tangled torsion cochlear slander  californium Boa beer? br />

saru Fall has Tauren power of the horde size of the tadpole.

************** something hidden partition line *******************< br />
saru Fall's pretty amazing, we can not have kids. This level of awesome power would make the division of the world collapsed.

At first, there is rio Afar.

in history

canceled because of the Gulf to send saru Fall prevented decomposition of the molecular structure. To send people who died.

**************** salabuhar adults translation, uh, dinosaur teeth = saru Fall ******** **************< br />
dinosaur teeth can be a threat to our planes.

power of the horde of this tribe want the dinosaur teeth King blow killed Hakmoun was, unexpectedly found that they even wake up the power of King Dinosaur teeth are not.

and the king on the battlefield after the defeat of the other leaders, to fend for themselves and their own songs down the gauntlet, so he always win.

king of your life you just let a fart, but unfortunately, is that this the great fart the souls of natural disasters has created.

Ke Suen will enter the weakness of the reason why the state was mainly due to the dinosaur teeth Naishi king on his breath and Kazakhstan.

Un'Goro Ring Mountain is generated due to the year and the king lifted a stone dropped.

when the king made a seven-year-old wet dream, this dream became a reality, that is, we are well-known emerald dream.

Titan power of the horde to leave the love of the drawing is because the king is called

On one occasion, saru, France  & Suites § ž aid furnace, he felt very relaxed, and decided to raid Zaiqu storm. Thus an assault, through the mountains. Subway tunnel was born.

if a person can enter from the rio Fall 3 miles within the die, it can be called a "close contact." (Seemingly close contact with UFO's behavior as close contact, is divided into the first category, second category ... ...)

saru Farr possible does not mean that others can. We are talking about, after all, saru, Fall.

If you want to eat in the calculation saru Fall

in the world there is no reason why the explosion as the Well of Eternity was destroyed because of the king with his feet when it folded.

power of the horde king eyes can be used to kill 40 Need equipment players.

In the next film, King would be Chuck Norris to play .....< br />
(Chuck Norris. The word had a separate one. Chuck Norris is Lame





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