
to find a decade ago, pop music and moved ---- Talk

music, in order to deliver the most accurate signal to the brain.

The reason why the source of wonderful music, is that all sound the soul, it's everywhere, but invisible. There is no overtones, left the computer voice alarm voice of the kind of episodes, which episodes of the voice is pure, only on the frequency of vibration of a pure tone, pure tone is harsh and dry, and only with the harmonic , the sound was rich and colorful world. Piano playing out of a C key, and the violin to play a tune in a C key? Theory, the vibration frequency of their rotation is the same, but different spin length of piano and materials, different resonance box, playing a different way, resulting in a different overtone and tell us what you hear is what kind of instruments. Faye Wong singing "Sky", Jeff Chang can not sing a falling tone of speech, "the sky", they vocal cord vibration frequency are the same, but their vocal organs of different structures, different resonance cavity structure, and different manner of articulation, resulting in a different overtone, tells us that Faye Wong Faye Wong, is Jeff Chang Jeff Chang.

Music must be headphones or a headset tired of feeling pressure, but by a pair of speakers would be a wonderful voice filled the room, we seem to be listening all started listening to popular.

Walkman EQ for me, never became a touch function. SONY That bass has become SONY equipment, I absolutely do not have reasons. Finally, t51 This so-called domestic Hifi Artifact machines, and a voice of calm and rational er4p, became my only option for listening. Speaking of t51, the machine its true performance, not a sacred can only be regarded as a material is acceptable sound rational, shape cottage, the most important of a low-priced machines.

Crystal music from the classical music slowly slowly get out of the atmosphere and brilliant, the transition to missish whispered singing, vocal stress from the pubic region of luck chest resonance, gradually transition to the lips dental falsetto voice of the rich - that I it as "a private message singing."
Music, too. Is only relative to the active camera, listen to more of a passive recipient - can not be touched by the spirit of the frequency depends entirely on whether the matter sorted out your interpretation of the spirit of those who agree and then resonate with the frequency. Or, we are through our listening, the body as well as a faithful reflection of thought, to observe themselves, find themselves.

Walkman is a Aihua - RX490 can not remember their own or someone else's machine, the most certain is that ear plugs were ironclad are those legendary Aihua "golden hole" inside the machine into a Jeff Chang "waiting" A face first song "Do not be afraid I am sad." Timely mind of thought disorder from 8 point something bad, a heart do not forget to stay crystal music ear headset, accordingly glance right and left baffled when the mind of thinking, this wire on the pole with such a wonderful loudspeakers broadcast, the broadcast to the climax at, you bunch of pedestrians coming and going, how come no one has the slightest reflection so little?
Music has become and reading, photography, as has become a very private matter. The so-called private, does not mean that the contents of which, such as Chen Guanxi shot by those who have destroyed what is so lethal days destroy land, but that it is a world between us and an important means of communication. Every time you lift the camera, alignment features, twisting the focus ring, half-press the shutter, you will no longer be you. Under the lens, like that picture, it is no longer a meaningless lines and color, but your point of view, your vision, your mind, you are looking for and recognition of the feelings, your inner understanding of the world condensed into objective existence of things. Through such means we are detached itself out to a third party's own angle of vision for the world and then to reflect on the relationship between himself and the world. Satisfied with the work of each one is a self-certificate is one of the world through a more profound understand to enrich his inner self to make it more difficult to complete the process.
Crystal music musical achievements, and is a fashion success? Because there is always a faint sense of emergence is inevitable, but the epidemic is resulting in the development, or even its style, due to the emergence of the whole changing.

Music, concert hall and in the grasslands play has taught us different feelings. Overtones in every corner, changing every sound, but could not describe, describe not, but it is impossible to reproduce. There is no two sound the same, because the mysterious overtones.

Music, or ... ... lonely?

Music content, as well as sound quality, there is no concern by the brain, the brain do not have any headphones bass crisp, warm tenor, treble facial analysis, when their minds in the brain is only accompaniment. But this way, the one song after another audition Zixuan Ji-off after the broadcast, in the last few in the first in the "Do not be afraid I am sad" at the beginning of the piano that spring to mind when I listen to music, the minds of players because it felt kind of moment moved to a blank. This can not be said to be when I look back, that people in the lights sometime Office, because it moved, except for that one moment, they will be less often emerged. Perhaps, looking for more appropriate than coincidence.



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