
Google Translate technical analysis of machine translation error

Of course, this is not difficult to solve technical problems, is to expand Google's database of machine learning, from the analysis of a number of different environments more information (such as People's Daily also analyze the information), so that deviations may be speculated meaning will be smaller, the outcome will be more% 26ldquo; neutral% 26rdquo; some.
The past, usually use a word to% 26ldquo; die translation% 26rdquo;, due to the variability of meaning, also a word in different contexts may appear completely different meaning, so that effect can be described as the original% 26ldquo ; appalling% 26rdquo;, generally of poor quality, basically there is no reference value, we can use to casual PowerWord or to test about 12 English. Baidu is because% 26ldquo; know better English% 26rdquo;, so there is no full product, there is only one simple word features.
In Google's eyes, the meaning of a word often from other words with it and use obtained, Google has a natural advantage% 26mdash; has ever mass index database, through vast amounts of data to compare multi-language learning, to find different language between the laws of grammar and words corresponding to realize the machine auto-learning function.
  after the article has caused a lot of people attention, a lot of media have been transferred yahoo hongkong set, then, Google Translate service quickly amended this technical error.
Google's smart identification while dramatically improving quality, but the overall level still can not reach a high level, there are some technical errors are inevitable. For example, this problem occurs this error.
  yahoo translator because I am also often use Google tools Therefore, I combine my understanding of the Google Translate tool to elaborate on this error may have underlying reasons.
Google Translate service is the moment, the Chinese performance in the field of the most prominent one, mainly because Google was an innovation this year, making Google the meaning recognition with artificial intelligence capabilities, that is, through the Google search different terms appear in the same page at the same time the frequency to determine the correlation between terms, this artificial intelligence approach to the true sense of the full text.
I suppose this error may be so generated, that is, Google's automatic machine learning process, the key learning is that some Western literature and of the results, due to the West for China's assessment of mostly negative, so some% 26ldquo; yahoo music, bad words% 26rdquo; regular and% 26ldquo; China% 26rdquo; one there, when the frequency is high time, Google on the basis of past common sense, this% 26ldquo; bad words% 26rdquo; and% 26ldquo; China% 26rdquo; carried out a certain correlation, so to have such intelligent speculation, leading to the so-called% 26ldquo; Google insult to Chinese event% 26rdquo;.
In general, Google to abandon traditional ways and instead the use of machinery automatic analysis method of statistical identification is a major step forward, which greatly improved the quality of articles, follow-up Google should do is to optimize the identification statistical algorithm to expand the auto-learning materials library, making the results more accurate. However, is puzzling is that some people with ulterior motives who do not research techniques and algorithms on the problem, and went to find some strange flaws error, and the purely technical issues to the political level rise , whose earlier% 26ldquo; Googleyahoo translation search the Nanjing Massacre% 26rdquo;, and now the% 26ldquo; resist the Google event% 26rdquo;, yes, where there is the smell, where there is shadow flies, flies not change Zhuxiu , as a dog not change Chishi, I advise those who specifically search for material in this respect those who do not do those who spread heresy and sensational things, and do not insult their intelligence, but also an insult to the majority of Internet users IQ. Competitive in today's society is a society, need to constantly acquire new knowledge, learning, not just learning knowledge and, more importantly, the ability to analyze problems of learning and skills, if only to know that rest on its laurels, behind closed doors all day, think of some dishonest and not to find ways to improve the knowledge and skills, then sooner or later will be eliminated by this society.
Occurred a few days ago against Google's so-called% 26ldquo; yahoo translator insult China event% 26rdquo;, a call for Internet users% 26ldquo; resist the Google tool% 26rdquo; of the posts appear in a well-known forum, post accusing Google tools appears bizarre% 26ldquo; wrongly tagged% 26rdquo; phenomenon, or even hurt the feelings of the Chinese people suspected of Google, is not correct, the article lists some examples, such as% 26ldquo; I thought this was shame% 26rdquo; (I think this is a shame) has been translated into% 26ldquo; I think this is China's shame% 26rdquo; and so on.



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