

目前显示的是 七月 3, 2011的博文

Bargain data -US email lists

please reply to george.phillips@gmx.us if interested Healthcare List Package: $295 for all 21 complete lists below - Also available, Business Lists, Foregin Business Lists and Consumer data Physicians (34 specialties) Database : 788k records, 17k emails, 200k fax numbers Chiropractors Database : 108,421 total records * 3,414 emails * 6,553 fax numbers Alternative Medicine Database : 1,141,602 total records with 36,320 emails and 38.935 fax numbers Dentists Database : 164k records, 45k emails, 77k fax numbers Dentists with Specialties Database : 30k records all with emails Veterinarians Database : 78,986 total records with 1,438 emails and 1,050 fax numbers Hospitals Database : 10,661 Emails for hospitals in the USA Nursing Homes Database : 31,589 Senior Administrators, 11,288 Nursing Directors in over 14,706 Nursing Homes (full contact info no emails) Pharmaceutical Companies Database : 47,000 emails of pharma company employees Physical Therapists Database : 125,460 tot