
How to Get The Best Results On a Technical, Billing, or Customer Support Call

I'm actually working my tech support job as I write this article. It's slow, so I should be able to get it completed rather quickly. I've worked in customer support and/or technical support for the past 20 plus years. Often it can be frustrating when you have a technical support, customer support, or billing issue, and you can't seem to get it resolved.

You're getting the "run-around" and you're at your wits end. This article will show you how to handle all situations pertaining to your account and the best way to get what you want.


Know exactly what you are talking about before you call. Have account numbers, names, dates, etc., in front of you so you will know the specifics beforehand. This way you will be educated about your issue and won't come off as a customer who doesn't know what he/she is talking about. A good customer representative will "hold your hand" through the situation and help you even if you don't have all your "ducks in a row." But typically, if you don't know what you're talking about, the rep is more inclined to do what they can to get you OFF the phone rather than try to assist you. It's not right, but that is the norm. You must know what you're talking about from the very beginning of the call.

Give the representative your number and contact information before you start talking about your issue. One of the ways that a Customer Support or Tech Support agents productivity is measured is by the average length of the call, or how long the call last. This is something that should be transparent to the customer, but is often the reason why it appears the customer rep seems to be eager to get you off the phone. Therefore, providing your information at the beginning of the call will help speed the call along. And before you think, "I pay my money, I should be able to take my time and voice my concern however I wish," remember, we're talking about "real world scenarios" and not, "as it should be."

If you get a representative on the phone that conducts himself or herself as if they are new, or just doesn't seem to know what they are talking about, the best thing for you to do is end the call immediately, preferably before they enter any notes on your account. Getting a representative on the phone that does not know what he or she is doing is usually the very beginning, and often, what creates your nightmarish situation. Hang up, and call back to get someone else. More than likely, you may have gotten someone fresh out of training and many of those reps are like a "deer in headlights."


You must remain calm. This is for your benefit and it allows you to have better control of the call. Because when you as a customer call, and you're upset, you have immediately put the customer rep on the defensive. Keep in mind, this article is not referring to what "should occur," it's dealing with the real world and what typically happens in basic human interactions. So even though the guidelines and rulebooks say, "the customer is always right," we're going to throw that book out the window for now and deal with reality. Stay calm and keep your tone as pleasant as you can. You have a much better chance of getting your issue resolved.

When you are discussing your bill or service issue, keep these adages in mind:

He that is slow to wrath is of great understanding: But he that is hasty of spirit exalteth folly. "Proverbs 14:29"

Good temper oils the wheels of life. "Author unknown"

Good t emper, like a sunny day, sheds a brightness over everything; it is the sweetener of toil and the soother of disquietude. "Washington Irving"

You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. "Author unknown"

Last but certainly not least, do not make idle threats. Such as, "I'll take my business elsewhere," because it doesn't really matter to the representative. Sure, they will say things like "we value you as a customer" and they probably do, but a customer making the threat of going to the competitor doesn't phase the rep one way or the other because deep down inside the rep is thinking, "I really don't care what you do Mr. Customer, just get off my line." Sounds harsh but it's true, because the agent will get paid either way. The previous quote is not applicable to a diligent agent/representative who desires to do a good job.


If you have done all the aforementioned steps and are still having trouble, the next time you call, immediately ask for a supervisor, but do not ask in a belligerent manner, ask for a supervisor in a calm voice. Now, it's a good chance you won't get to speak to a supervisor right away, if at all, but the fact that you asked for one will force the rep to do what she can to assist you. They will do their best to assist you at that time because getting a manager on the phone is very difficult.

Many customer support departments are outsourced, this is why you often get people from other countries on the phone. The agent could be from another country, and the supervisors are in the United States, or the agents work from home and the supervisors are centrally located in another location, often in another state. Truth be told, whether the rep is National, International, Virtual Office, or Brick and Mortar, it is difficult for them to get a supervisor on the line. What makes if tough for the rep is, they cannot tell you they work from home, nor can they share with you how difficult it is to get a manager on the phone. Gone are the days when you had one supervisor to every 15-20 occupational workers, and the manager was only a few feet away. Therefore, you are more often than not going to get your issue resolved without a manager.

Difficulty: Moderately Easy



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