


CPEDIA's ZONE http://pchen.appspot.com/
case lai http://casey-lai.appspot.com
小七的破锣歌 http://plog.appspot.com/
牛逼 http://niubi.appspot.com
23号博客 https://n23.appspot.com/

站点地图 http://site-map.appspot.com
有间博客 http://sonic.appspot.com
天涯工作间 http://jum.appspot.com/
徐明 http://xuming.net

宇贝论坛 http://yubei.appspot.com/
放糖的绿豆汤 http://quke.appspot.com/
Uliweb http://uliwebproject.appspot.com/
动态导航栏演示 http://qunianjinri.appspot.com


免费代理 http://ipgoto.appspot.com
谢谢改改 http://gfw.appspot.com/
G搜 http://gsou.appspot.com/
我爱记账 http://52jizhang.appspot.com
icity爱城市 http://icity.appspot.com/
you talk http://you-talk.appspot.com/ 一个使用Google App实现的网络聊天室。

涂鸦板 http://susan.appspot.com
武林足球互访 http://caiwo.appspot.com/

二维图形码 http://qrdata.com
信息采集 http://luck.appspot.com
提醒应用: http://checknerds.appspot.com/

企业信息列表 http://qiye.appspot.com/
棋谱搜索 http://weiqi.appspot.com/
在线代理 http://zaixiandailiorg.appspot.com/
搜索名站 http://hmpg.appspot.com
简约在线视频 http://online-video-player.appspot.com/

论坛 http://supdo.appspot.com/
水木社区 http://ipsmth.appspot.com


我看行: http://lazybonereborn.appspot.com/
美女之类 http://myads.appspot.com/
野鸭之家 http://donau.appspot.com/
洛基实验室 http://habpi.appspot.com/
分享音乐 http://msl.appspot.com

紫菀 http://aster.appspot.com/blog
一棵树 http://atree.appspot.com
天下会 http://ttnn.appspot.com
kyle blog http://liuyoong.appspot.com
胡世超 http://profileshow.appspot.com/

杭州华杰果品 http://hzchaole.appspot.com/
周蟒互动 http://zhpy.appspot.com/


Google App Engine google appsot 应用介绍
Google App Engine 让您可以在 Google 的基础架构上运行您的网络应用程序。Google App Engine
应用程序易于构建和维护,并可根据您的访问量和数据存储需要的增长轻松扩展。使用 Google App

域上的免费域名为您的应用程序提供服务,也可以使用 Google Apps

可以免费开始使用 App Engine。注册一个免费帐户即可开发和发布您的应用程序以供全世界的人共享,而且不需要承担任何费用和责任。每个免费帐户都可使用多达
500MB 的持久存储空间,以及可支持每月约 500 万页面浏览量的足够 CPU 和宽带。

使用 Google App Engine 的试用版本期间,只可以使用免费帐户。您很快就能够购买其他的计算资源。

通过 Google App Engine,即使在重载和数据量极大的情况下,也可以轻松构建能安全运行的应用程序。该环境包括以下特性:

用于对用户进行身份验证和使用 Google 帐户发送电子邮件的 API
一种功能完整的本地开发环境,可以在您的计算机上模拟 Google App Engine
Google App Engine 应用程序是使用 Python 编程语言实现的。该运行时环境包括完整 Python 语言和多数 Python 标准库。

目前,Google App Engine 仅支持 Python 语言,但是我们希望将来它可以支持更多语言。

在安全环境中运行的应用程序,仅提供对基础操作系统的有限访问权限。这些限制让 App Engine

安全 Sandbox 环境的限制实例包括:

应用程序只能通过提供的网址获取和电子邮件服务和 API 访问互联网中的其他计算机。其他计算机只能通过在标准端口上进行 HTTP(或
应用程序无法向文件系统写入。应用程序只能读取通过应用程序代码上传的文件。该应用程序必须使用 App Engine 数据库存储所有在请求之间持续存在的数据。
Python 运行时环境
App Engine 提供了一个使用 Python 编程语言的运行时环境。将来的版本将考虑使用其他编程语言和运行时环境配置。

Python 运行时环境使用 Python 2.5.2 版。

该环境包括 Python 标准库。当然,您无法调用违反了 Sandbox

应用程序代码只能以 Python 编写。具有用 C 编写的扩展的代码不受支持。

Python 环境为数据库、Google 帐户、网址获取和电子邮件服务提供了丰富的 Python API。App Engine
还提供了一个称为 webapp 的简单 Python 网络应用程序框架,从而可以轻松开始构建应用程序。

方便起见,App Engine 还包括 Django 网络应用程序框架 0.96.1 版。请注意,App Engine 数据库不是某些
Django 组件所需的关系数据库。某些组件(例如 Django 模板引擎)按照文档化的程序工作,而其他组件则需要做更多工作。有关将
Django 与 App Engine 一起使用的提示,请参阅文章部分。

只要这些库是完全使用 Python 实现并且不需要任何不受支持的标准库模块,您就可以使用您的应用程序上传其他第三方库。

有关 Python 运行时环境的详细信息,请参阅 Python 运行时环境。

App Engine 提供了一个强大的分布式数据存储服务,其中包含查询引擎和事务功能。就像分布式网络服务器随访问量增加一样,该分布式数据库也会随数据而增加。

该 App Engine 数据库与传统关系数据库不同。数据对象(或"实体")有一类和一组属性。查询可以检索按属性值过滤和分类的给定种类的实体。属性值可以是受支持的属性值类型中的任何一种。

数据库的 Python API



有关数据库的详细信息,请参阅数据库 API 参考。

Google 帐户
App Engine 包括用于与 Google 帐户集成的服务 API。应用程序使用户可以通过 Google
帐户登录,并可以访问与该帐户关联的电子邮件地址和可显示的名称。使用 Google
帐户使用户可以更快地开始使用您的应用程序,因为用户可以不需要创建新帐户了。Google 帐户还省去只为您的应用程序执行用户帐户系统的麻烦。

如果您的应用程序正在 Google Apps 下运行,则它可以与您组织的成员和 Google Apps 帐户成员使用相同的功能。

用户 API 还可告知应用程序当前用户是否是应用程序的注册管理员。这样便可以轻松实现您站点上仅用于管理的区域。

有关与 Google 帐户集成的详细信息,请参阅用户 API 参考。

App Engine 服务
App Engine 提供了多种服务,从而使您可以在管理应用程序的同时执行常规操作。提供了以下 API 以访问这些服务:

应用程序可以使用 App Engine 的网址获取服务访问互联网上的资源,例如网络服务或其他数据。网址获取服务使用用于为许多其他
Google 产品检索网页的高速 Google 基础架构来检索网络资源。有关网址获取服务的详细信息,请参阅网址获取 API 参考。

应用程序可以使用 App Engine 的邮件服务发送电子邮件。邮件服务使用 Google
基础架构发送电子邮件。有关邮件服务的详细信息,请参阅邮件 API 参考。

Memcache 服务为您的应用程序提供了高性能的内存键值缓存,您可通过应用程序的多个实例访问该缓存。Memcache
对于那些不需要数据库的永久性功能和事务功能的数据很有用,例如临时数据或从数据库复制到缓存以进行高速访问的数据。有关 Memcache
服务的详细信息,请参阅 Memcache API 参考。

图片服务使您的应用程序可以对图片进行操作。使用该 API,您可以对 JPEG 和 PNG
格式的图片进行大小调整、剪切、旋转和翻转。有关图片操作服务的详细信息,请参阅图片 API 参考。

App Engine 软件开发套件 (SDK) 包括可以在您的本地计算机上模拟所有 App Engine 服务的网络服务器应用程序。该
SDK 包括 App Engine 中的所有 API 和库。该网络服务器还可以模拟安全 Sandbox

Python SDK 完全使用 Python 实现,可以在装有 Python 2.5 的任何平台上运行,包括 Windows、Mac OS
X 和 Linux。您可以在 Python 网站上获得适用于您的系统的 Python。该 SDK 以 Zip 文件提供,安装程序可用于
Windows 和 Mac OS X。

您可以在此处下载该 SDK。

该 SDK 还包括可将您的应用程序上传到 App Engine
的工具。创建了您应用程序的代码、静态文件和配置文件后,即可运行该工具上传数据。该工具会提示您提供 Google 帐户电子邮件地址和密码。

构建已在 App Engine
App Engine 上测试新版本。

管理控制台是基于网络的界面,用于管理在 App Engine

创建 App Engine 应用程序不仅简单,而且是免费的!您可以创建帐户,然后发布一个应用程序,用户无需承担任何费用和责任即可立即使用该应用程序。通过免费帐户获得的应用程序可使用多达
500MB 的存储空间和多达每月 500 万的页面浏览量。


此试用期间,最多可注册 3 个应用程序。


更多 Google App Engine 资源链接更多 Google App Engine 资源链接 更多 Google App
Engine 资源链接 更多 Google App Engine 资源链接


服务限制的另一实例是查询返回的结果数。一个查询最多可返回 1,000

更多 Google App Engine 资源链接


appspot.com上的中文技术站点介绍 December 3rd, 2008
CPEDIA's ZONE http://pchen.appspot.com/
http://casey-lai.appspot.com case lai
小七的破锣歌 http://plog.appspot.com/
牛逼 http://niubi.appspot.com
23号博客 https://n23.appspot.com/
徐明 http://xuming.net
宇贝论坛 http://yubei.appspot.com/
放糖的绿豆汤 http://quke.appspot.com/
Uliweb http://uliwebproject.appspot.com/
动态导航栏演示 http://qunianjinri.appspot.com
站点地图 http://site-map.appspot.com
有间博客 http://sonic.appspot.com
天涯工作间 http://jum.appspot.com/
Google App Engine Open Source Projects December 3rd, 2008

Google App Engine Open Source Projects
Description: gaeutilities is a collection of classes developed by
people working in the Google App Engine environment to handle needs
they had for their own projects. They've been released to the general
public in order to help others who find they have similar needs.

Sessions for preserving data across multiple page views.
An event management system to provide callbacks for plugging into
defined events fired by other functions.
A Big Table based caching system capable of caching both strings and
objects. Object support limited to what pickle can support.
URL: http://gaeutilities.appspot.com/

License: New BSD License

Contact: http://groups.google.com/group/appengine-utilities

Description: Bloog is a RESTful blog app designed to handle migration
from other blog frameworks. The design is an adapted Django template
version of the clean WordPress Grid Focus. Utilities for bulk clearing
the datastore and bulk uploading/modifying old blog entries from a
Drupal MySQL database are included. Other features include caching and
a number of architectural decisions that may be of interest to
AppEngine developers (e.g. authorization decorators,
convention-over-configuration for organizing templates).

URL: http://bloog.billkatz.com

License: MIT License

Contact: billkatz@gmail.com


Description: HTTPMR is an implementation of Google's famous Map/Reduce
data processing model on clusters of HTTP servers.

HTTPMR tries to make only the following assumptions about the
computing environment:

Access to machines only via HTTP requests.
Requests are assigned randomly to machines by a system which is out of
our control.
Requests have timeouts on the order of several seconds.
There is a storage system that is accessible by code receiving HTTP requests.
The data being processed can be broken up into many, many small
records, each having a unique identifier.
The storage system can accept >, <, >=, and <= data restrict
operations on the data's unique identifier.
Jobs are controlled either by an active modern web browser or a web
spidering system (such as wget).
Driven primarily by the needs of users of Google App Engine
(http://appengine.google.com/) for a robust data processing system,
HTTMR will hopefully be written in a general-enough way to work in
many web clusters. Bringing HTTMR up in a new environment should
require only implementing a few interfaces to the data storage system.

URL: http://code.google.com/p/httpmr/

License: GNU v.3

Contact: peterjdolan@gmail.com

Description: taggable-mixin is a class that can be added to a db.Model
class to add the ability to associate tags with objects of the class.

URL: http://code.google.com/p/taggable-mixin/

License: Apache 2.0 license

Contact: adam.crossland@gmail.com


Description: The GAE SWF Project open source proof of concept
ActionScript 3 and Python app and framework to get Flash and Flex
developers up and running quickly with Google App Engine. Aims to
raise awareness and stimulate discussion in the Flash and Flex
communities of standards and best practices. Implements deep linking;
Flash Remoting via PyAMF; a loosely-coupled, well-encapsulated
application architecture that separates presentation and business
logic. Uses various high-quality, open source libraries and tools.

URL: http://gaeswf.appspot.com

License: MIT License

Contact: aral@aralbalkan.com


Description: jiql is a Java database for Cloud computing. The database
is accessed via a jdbc client. The data is actually stored in a
cloud-based data store, such as Google's BigTable.

URL: http://www.jiql.org

License: Apache License 2.0

Contact: support@jiql.org

Description: GAE-REST - Atom REST API for Google App Engine. The goal
of this project is to develop a set of scripts that implements the
Ning REST Atom API entry-points to be installed on any application
hosted on Google Application Engine.

URL: http://github.com/fczuardi/gae-rest/tree/master

License: New BSD License

Contact: http://groups.google.com/group/gae-rest or fabricio@gmail.com

Description: Imageboard open to everyone, featuring the option of
anonymous posting and demonstration of Google's datastore abilities
when working with images.

URL: http://code.google.com/p/pyib/

License: GPL v3

Contact: Group - http://groups.google.com/group/pyib-discuss

Description: Lets players set up game rules for most x-in-a-row-style
games such as Connect6, Gomoku and Tic-Tac-Toe. Differs from most
similar games by the fact that up to nine players can play in one
game, rather than the normal two.

URL: project - http://mnk.appspot.com, code -

License: Apache 2.0

Contact: andreasblixt@gmail.com
LAX (Logilab App Engine eXtension)

Description: LAX (Logilab App engine eXtension) is a full-featured web
application framework running on Google AppEngine.

LAX is a port of the web framework Logilab has been developping since
2001. In April/May 2008, it was adapted to run on the datastore of
Google AppEngine. Following chats with Google engineers at Google I/O,
it stopped using the code related to db.Model and GQL and started
using the datastore APIs directly. As in Python, batteries are
included and no third-party dependencies are needed to get started
developing real-world applications.

URL: http://lax.logilab.org

License: GPL v2

Contact: Currently, you can contact via the Google Group

Next Word

Description: An app for word linking

URL: http://nextword.appspot.com/ , http://code.google.com/p/next-word/

License: GPLv3

Contact: livibetter@gmail.com

Description: smtp2web consists of an admin interface, written for App
Engine, and an SMTP server daemon, which together accept email for
configured addresses and send the emails via HTTP POST to
user-selected URLs.

This allows web apps such as those written on App Engine, which are
traditionally unable to receive email, to do so.

smtp2web.com provides this as a free-to-use service.

URL: http://code.google.com/p/smtp2web/

License: Apache 2.0

Contact: arachnid@notdot.net


Description: blok (http://blok.appspot.com) is a Google App Engine
based project for collaborative editing of user interface prototypes
using simple rectangles to represent parts of the ui. blok makes heavy
use of the JavaScript meta model Joose

URL: http://code.google.com/p/joose-js/

License: New BSD Licence

Contact: malte.ubl@gmail.com

Google App Engine Oil

Description: This project (GAEO) is a MVC web framework on App Engine.
If you have ever used Ruby on Rails or Zend framework (PHP), GAEO is
very similar to these MVC web framework.

URL: http://code.google.com/p/google-app-engine-oil/

License: Apache License 2.0

Contact: eric

Django AE Utils
Description: Django technically runs on Google App Engine but there
are significant parts which do not work too well. Django App Engine
Utilities is a collection of tools to replace or supplement these
parts to ease the use of Django on App Engine.

URL: http://code.google.com/p/django-ae-utils/

License: New BSD License

Contact: http://groups.google.com/group/django-ae-utils/

Description: Runtime patches to the appengine environment to make it
work with already-developed libraries, particularly Setuptools,
Pylons, and libraries using httplib.

URL: http://code.google.com/p/appengine-monkey/

License: MIT

Contact: http://code.google.com/p/appengine-monkey/issues/entry

Description: This project consists of two packages which make it
easier to develop Django projects for Google App Engine.
The appenginepatch package modifies Django and Python such that most
Django code (except for Models) works without any modifications. This
also means that you don't have to change any of your imports and
The ragendja package contains utilities for faster Django development.
It's mostly a collection of the most useful snippets. Some of them
only work with App Engine.

URL: http://code.google.com/p/app-engine-patch/

License: MIT

Contact: http://groups.google.com/group/app-engine-patch


Description: A plugin for the nose test runner that adds options to
easily set up your GAE dev appserver environment for local testing.

URL: http://code.google.com/p/nose-gae/,

License: GNU Lesser General Public License

Contact: http://code.google.com/p/nose-gae/issues/list

GAE-Django DB Templates
Description: The Google App Engine does not let users
change/add/delete files so there is a need to have the Django
templates stored in the Google DB. The project is very humble and uses
GAE ,Django, GAE Helper for Django.

URL: http://code.google.com/p/gae-django-dbtemplates/

License: GNU Lesser General Public License

Contact: idealllove@gmail.com


Description: Free and open source full-stack enterprise framework for
agile development of secure database-driven web-based applications,
written and programmable in Python. Some apps already using web2py
http://web2py.appspot.com, http://ga2arch.appspot.com/

URL: http://code.google.com/p/web2py/,https://launchpad.net/web2py

License: GPL version 2.0 (http://mdp.cti.depaul.edu/examples/default/license)

Contact: http://groups.google.com/group/web2py


Description: The program is running at this url: http://www.kgpl.org .
KGPL is internet radio software that runs on .m3u playlists. Anyone
can submit songs by pasting the link to the .mp3 or .ogg file. You can
listen on playlists, use the library for On Demand listening, or
download the songs. Widgets allow you to add the songs and playlists
to your website. My name is Larry Heyl but I'm known as Hairy Larry. I
run the Delta Boogie web site including Delta Boogie Radio which runs
on an earlier version of KGPL: http://deltaboogie.com

URL: https://sourceforge.net/projects/kgpl/

License: GNU General Public License (GPL)

Contact: hairylarry@deltaboogie.com


Description: RESTful Web Service Library for Google Appengine

URL: http://code.google.com/p/python-rest/

License: Apache License 2.0

Contact: http://groups.google.com/group/python-rest-users

Scrabble Tools

Description: A tool that lets you build words out of your scrabble
letters, or other criteria. You can read the developer blog at

URL: http://code.google.com/p/scrabble-tools/

License: GNU General Public License v3

Contact: ImNotGaryColeman@gmail.com


Description: You make a class that inherits from PolyModel ("class
MyModel(PolyModel):".) Then you make another class that inherits from
that model ("class MySubModel(MyModel):".) Then you can query for
instances of MyModel: "for mm in MyModel.all(): print mm" and you
should see both MyModel and MySubModel instances in the result.

URL: http://paste.blixt.org/505

License: MIT license

Contact: andreasblixt@gmail.com


Description: Here's a Bulk Download tool to complement the Bulk
Uploader provided by Google, see description here:

URL: http://code.google.com/p/gawsh

License: Apache License 2.0

Contact: Garrett Davis


Description: Nuages is a simple and easy to use CMS for photographers.

URL: http://code.google.com/p/nuages/

License: GPLv2

Contact: ionut@bizau.ro

Is a human

Description: User logs in with OpenID and solves a reCAPTCHA. The site
stores the sha1 of his/her URL. Other sites can check if an OpenID
belongs to a human through the API. http://is-a-human.com/

URL: http://github.com/Sjors/is-a-human/tree/master

License: MIT : http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php

Contact: sjors@sprovoost.nl

Route Altitude Profile Using NASA SRTM Data

Description: Receives a route as an input (OpenLS XML, protocol
buffers or HTTP/GET) and then returns the altitude profile
corresponding to that route (XML, protocol buffers, Google Chart
image). The altitude at each point of the route is calculated using
the NASA SRTM data set. Also runs on Apache with Postgres:

URL: http://github.com/Sjors/openstreetmap-route-altitude-profile/tree/master
(Git) or http://svn.openstreetmap.org/sites/other/route-altitude-profile/trunk/

License: Apache License, Version 2.0 :

Contact: sjors@sprovoost.nl


Description: Blog implemented by python and can be hosted on google
appengine. Features: using yui grid, so it's very easy to change or
extend the page layout, auto-generate permalink url through
translating the blog title by google, tags for the blog entry, rich
content editor by yui rich editor, Ajax implemented by simplejson &
yui Connection Manager. (Such as inline editable table.), Upload
images file to bigTable in yui rich editor, Uploaded images, tags,
archives, albums management, Menu & pages management, AuthSub Session
Token and System cache management, access the picasaweb albums through
gdata API, authSub implemented by decorating the python method.

URL: http://code.google.com/p/cpedialog/

License: Apache License 2.0

Contact: cpedia@gmail.com or http://blog.cpedia.com/resume

App3 REST library

Description: App3 is a flexible REST interface to the AppEngine
Datastore that allows you to easily query models as REST resources.

URL: http://app3.googlecode.com

License: GNU General Public License v2

Contact: jgeewax@gmail.com


Description: Various implementations of microblogging server and
client software following internet standards and conventions.

URL: http://code.google.com/p/openmicroblog/

License: GNU General Public License v3

Contact: Charl van Niekerk


Description: siblinker aims to find related links by analyzing data
from del.icio.us.

URL: http://siblinker.appspot.com

License: GNU GPLv2

Contact: nada.amin@gmail.com


Description: Yet another framework with a new very simple programming
concept. Offers also an own templating language mostly compatible to
Genshi. The command line tool makes creating GAE projects as easy as
possible. Projects may also be used with Paster or other WSGI
frameworks. Very liberal Open Source licensing.

URL: http://code.google.com/p/pyxer/

License: MIT

Contact: dirk.holtwick@gmail.com


Description: Trackulator is an APRS web service. APRS, the Automatic
Position Report System, is a distributed ham radio mesh network for
aggrigation and dissemination of real time GIS data. It provides
position reporting, weather reports and alerts, 1:n and 1:1 messaging,
and other features. See http://www.aprs.org/

URL: http://trackulator.appspot.com, http://code.google.com/p/trackulator/

License: GNU General Public License v3

Contact: jeff.laughlin@gmail.com

attachment fu app engine

Description: A Ruby on Rails extension for AttachmentFu
(http://github.com/technoweenie/attachment_fu) which uses the Google
App Engine as a backend for storage and image resizing. Allows you to
add or change thumbnail sizes without migrating previous data and
removes the need to install ImageMagick.

URL: http://github.com/larsklevan/attachment_fu_app_engine/

License: MIT

Contact: tastybyte@gmail.com


Description: GAEUnit is a unit test framework that helps to automate
testing of your Google App Engine application. With a single
configuration change (it can be completed within 30 seconds), you can
run your unit tests in the GAE app server environment, and see the
results in the browser. GAEUnit is simple. It is contained within only
one file, gaeunit.py. Just copy that file into your application
directory, add the test URL to app.yaml, write your unit tests, and
execute them by browsing to the test URL.

URL: http://code.google.com/p/gaeunit/

License: New BSD License

Contact: srfarley@gmail.com or george.z.lei@gmail.com

Daily Search Results

Description: A web app to convert Google search results to RSS.

URL: http://uselever.com, http://code.google.com/p/searchrss

License: GPLv3

Contact: ivo@danihelka.net

App Engine Console

Description: App Engine Console is a traditional interactive Python
session running in the server, which you use from a web browser. If
you are familiar with the Ruby on Rails or Django command-line
consoles, then App Engine Console is the same thing, except it is web
based. Key features:
* Just like running Python interactively, but with syntax highlighting
* Works from the SDK or in production (great for advanced datastore management)
* Exceptions, modules, and types link to their own documentation on python.org
* Quick access to the datastore, application dashboard, and Google Analytics
* When in production, optionally returns HTTP 404 to non-authorized
users ("cloaked mode")

There is an online demo at http://con.appspot.com/

URL: http://www.proven-corporation.com/software/app-engine-console/

License: GNU GPL v3

Contact: Jason Smith

GAE JsonRpc Example

Description: gae-jsonrpc-example is a simple application that I wrote
after reading http://code.google.com/appengine/articles/rpc.html. It's
really small and is meant to be a start point to develop json-rpc
applications with google app engine.

URL: http://code.google.com/p/gae-jsonrpc-example/

License: GNU General Public License v3

Contact: tyrion.mx@gmail.com

Tall Street

Description: A social search engine where users make investments in
their favourite websites and determine the search results rankings.

URL: http://www.tallstreet.com/,

License: GPLv3

Contact: contact@tallstreet.com


Description: Extension of db.Model that allows for SQL-like
unique(property_one,property_two) constraints. See examples for usage.

URL: http://code.google.com/p/uniquemodel/

License: MIT

Contact: bburns@teamorca.org


Description: GAEHeimdall, like it's sister project GHeimdall, aims to
provide an identity provider instance on Google App Engine for use in
Single Sign On solutions, especially Google Apps. This would allow you
to use the GAE datastore as your authentication database (note that
this is separate from the provided users API).

URL: http://code.google.com/p/gaeheimdall

License: GNU General Public License v2

Contact: Sam Gammon contactable at sam-gammon@metsacramento.org,
Matsuo Takashi - matsuo.takashi@gmail.com

Last Tweets

Description: An app for finding out when was the last time you tweeted
to friends

URL: http://lastweet.appspot.com/ , http://code.google.com/p/yjl/wiki/LasTweet

License: GPLv3

Contact: livibetter@gmail.com

Django OpenId

Description: Allows users to log into your Google App Engine Django
site using OpenID

URL: http://code.google.com/p/google-app-engine-django-openid

License: MIT License

Contact: http://groups.google.com/group/google-app-engine-django-openid


Description: Paste-It is an open-source python pastebin

URL: http://paste-it.appspot.com/ and http://code.google.com/p/paste-it/

License: GNU General Public License v3

Contact: http://groups.google.com/group/paste-it

Process for submitting Open Source Projects


Description: AppRocket replicates AppEngine datastore to a MySQL
database and vice versa. There are several things it can be used for,
such as:

* Backup and restore an AppEngine datastore

* Manipulate data using a regular SQL

* Process data outside the tight AppEngine request limits

URL: http://code.google.com/p/approcket/

License: Apache License 2.0

Contact: kaspars427@gmail.com

This page is for listing any Google App Engine Open Source Projects.
Please contact marce@google.com if you would like to have your project

When sending an email, include:

* A brief description of the project

* The URL where the project source code is hosted

* The open source license information for your project

* Contact information for people who are interested in contributing

One of our users has also put together a page of Open Source projects,
you may wish to checkout.

中文appspot博客 中文appspot blog December 2nd, 2008
本中文appspot博客 中文appspot blog主要是收集在appspot上的博客,供大家欣赏。


说明:本博客开篇使用的是 徐明 老师的博客。以后看情况而定。

徐明老师的博客程序很是人性化。只需修改 app中的账号即可。

徐明老师的博客:http://xuming.net/ 需要下载程序的,点击micolog。进行查看。



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用Goole Blogger的自定义域名功能需要用到 ghs.google.com 做CNAME,或者用ping ghs.google.com 得出的IP做一个A记录.但是,伟大的GFW已经把 ghs.google.com 和部分IP屏蔽在大陆之外.这样的壮举使得我们的自定义域名不能正常访问,或者让你的网页背景.图片被滤掉,精心做成的模板变得惨白不堪. 那么,我们可不可以找一个替代 ghs.google.com 的地址呢?当然能.因为Google是强大的.它有许多有用的IP地址让你去探寻. 对 ghs.google.com 分析研究后发现, ghs.google.com 这台服务器并没有提供实质性的服务,而只是选择访问者访问最快的服务器(Google全球性公司,很多地区都有服务器).我们只要找到其他服务器的IP地址,并且这个IP地址没被屏蔽,那么就成了. 寻找这样的IP地址需要用到tracert命令.即在CMD模式下输入:tracert ghs.google.com ,在已经屏蔽的当下,最后自然得不出结果,这就需要我们使用代理了.使用不同地区的代理运行tracert ghs.google.com 命令. tracert ghs.google.com 的最后一跳会有类似这样的域名: eh-in-f121.google.com 如果在不用代理的情况下,你能ping通这个域名,那么恭喜你,你找到了!现在就可以用这个域名代替 ghs.google.com 设置你的CNAME了,ping出的IP地址可以做A记录,CNAME和A记录,只做其中之一就可以. hs-in-f121.google.com eh-in-f121.google.com bx-in-f121.google.com ik-in-f121.google.com 这4个在我所在地区不能使用,而可以使用 tw-in-f121.google.com 或者209.85.171.121也可用 下面是一些不断更新的: 除了使用代理来寻找,也可以通过一些网站提供的功能来寻找这个地址,很方便,就是使用网站提供的Traceroute.这些网站有: h