
How to Get Started in MLM and Stay Positive

When starting a network marketing business it's vital to develop a positive state of mind. The bottom line is that starting any business is not an easy endeavor. There are lots of obstacles ahead of you. There is nothing you can do to stop that. There is, however, something you can control. You can control how you react to these obstacles. The biggest obstacle you will face is yourself and the dialogue you create in your mind. In this article, I want to shed some light on common problems that we all face when we start a network marketing business. I'm not going to regurgitate self help quotes, I just want to give the new person a better explanation of things to come. Hopefully, you will see that the difficulties you encounter are the same for all of us and you will begin to see them as just, "Part of the deal." Here are a few obstacles that make it difficult to maintain a positive attitude.

Focus on one MLM company.
Focus on one MLM company.

Make a decision and focus. Something that can really shake your ability to remain positive is constantly thinking the grass is greener on the other side of the network marketing fence.

Wondering if you are in the best company with the best product and the best compensation plan will completely devastate your attitude. This ties in with fear of failure doesn't it? Again, everybody goes through this. You need to investigate and consider to some degree, but don't suffer from analysis paralysis.

Successful people make a decision and stick to it. It really is impossible to know if you are making the right decision isn't it? It becomes the right decision because you have total faith that it is. Pick a company and focus. If you put all of your mental focus into your company it will turn out to be the right decision.

MLM negativity?  Talk to the hand.
MLM negativity? Talk to the hand.

Negative people. Oh yes, the energy suckers of the world come out of the wood work when we are setting out on our own. Sadly, many of these people will be people you know. Again, expect this to happen. You will not be the first person who's warm market was a little unreceptive to a life changing network marketing deal.

It makes so much sense to us. Why don't they see it? This thought makes us question our decision. Maybe Uncle Bob and Aunt Sally know something I don't? Many questions flood our brains when people aren't immediately taken by our opportunity.

I want you to know that the vast majority of people you talk to will not get your opportunity. Once again, you are totally normal. You aren't messing up the delivery. It's ok that you don't have all the ingredients memorized. And I'm sure you are in a perfectly good company.

It's natural for us to seek approval, especially from family members. Once again, there is no magic formula. You just move on. Every person in network marketing has had to do the same thing. No need to become frustrated, it's just part of the deal.

Each small goal achieved is a massive win!
Each small goal achieved is a massive win!

Goals. Certainly a must. People in network marketing will ask, "What's your why?" When people get started in network marketing it's easy to get caught up in dreaming big.

Dreaming big is great for long term goals, but what's really important is short term goals. If you don't have short term goals you will always be falling short of the long term goal. Sponsoring your first person or selling your first product should equal massive success.

Get excited about the little successes along the way. You are creating something from nothing. Any new activity in your business should be very exciting and motivating. Seeing short term success will keep you in a positive state of mind and lead you to your long term goal.

Fear of failure and MLM.  You're not alone.
Fear of failure and MLM. You're not alone.

Fear of failure. The most dreaded of thoughts. This is the number one reason people hesitate to get into network marketing. Fear and failure are really scary alone, but you put them together and they can paralyze anybody.

The truth is: We all experience this feeling. If you have it right now, you are right in there with the rest of us. Right after the excitement of signing up and getting some product wears off, in creeps fear of failure.

You get over whelmed, freaked out, have questions, and don't know what to do next. You are totally normal. Don't think there is some magic kind of person out there that gets into something new and automatically has all the confidence in the world. No such person exists.

The difference is how you react to this feeling. Understand it's ok. Know that it's part of learning. Know that it will diminish as time goes by. This is a great time to read books by successful people. You will find that the most successful people in the world experienced self doubt.

The difference is they said: "To heck with this." And went forward. They messed things up and continued on. No magic. That fear is still there, but it doesn't stop you. You learn from the mistake and move on. Mistakes must happen for you to succeed. If you believed that, wouldn't the fear subside?

How are you going to market your MLM?
How are you going to market your MLM?

Have a marketing plan. I'm not talking about the compensation plan. I'm talking about figuring out how you are going to market your product and your opportunity.

Person to person has made people millions. If you are someone that loves to meet new people everyday, then this is the way to go. If not, learning how to take your business online will be your option.

There are many courses out there that teach both ways to market. It's going to be worth your time to have a look. Choosing one way and getting really good at it should be your focus. A great product and great company is nice, but it really doesn't matter if people don't know about it.

Starting to generate leads will do wonders for your attitude. For an overview of one lead generation system, down load a FREE copy of The Attraction Marketers Manifesto: (http://urwarrenout.marketersmanifesto.com). It is 75 pages of fantastic advice on generating leads and growing your busines s.

I hope that by knowing that everything you are feeling is normal you will continue pursuing your dreams with network marketing. You are as capable as anybody else. Put your head down, ignore the bad feelings, and do the deal. Thank you so much for reading...Steve Warren.

Learn about the MLM industry.
Learn about the MLM industry.

Educate yourself. There is much to know. It's easy to get over whelmed thinking about how much there is to learn. We have all felt that. Guess what? The people that have been in network marketing for years still think that. Why? Because it's impossible to learn everything.

To stay positve, focus on learning one thing at a time. It's how everybody else got started. Put the over whelmed feelings aside, sit down, and study one thing today. I don't know of any other way to do it.

Successful people in network marketing sat down one day and decided to learn about the business. There was a time they didn't know anything about it. There are 50 million people in the world that had never heard of network marketing at one time.

Set aside time each day and learn about your industry. Every business owner in the world sat down one day and began to learn something. They all wanted to know everything right now. They were all impatient. If you feel this way you are totally normal.

Difficulty: Easy



How to Design a Store Front Sign

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