
music station - survivor

small mom will jump up and say: at least we have a face!

nir the past two days have been repeated phrase: MS, then on the heroes! This shows that they have finally recognized by the Japanese mainstream music.

I - 囧 -!

map is yesterday's midnight cut-off, the dance of the TS file, then cut up my computer is hard enough, but considering it has been seven years old, for it's work hard every day to continue to continue to do the impossible to complete task.

crossing, said: Actually, not very clear;

do not remember who said that, because too much love of the stage, so even if already in a variety of stage, performing countless back can be before the time came to power, it will still nervous, or afraid that they will make mistakes .

But I always have been Jung-ho was only a single tone of the lyrics also breaking haunted feel 囧 big, a little depressed. I think the kids in the end is still a little nervous, from the Jung-ho mouth stiff smile to see that everyone knows, this show, despite the addition TALK is just more than three minutes and can be, after all, significance. Then I laugh ask, do not know that Japan is now the temperature of how much he would probably break for the phrase itself sounds depressed, and other "work" Back to the apartment, he'll replace a row of the first to go jogging.

"survivor" after performing read, there are a number of love, so despite the conclusion of this stop-action moment and looked very strange, I am still determined to leave this screen, to be a commemoration of Well.

ly said: a good laugh;

Well, it was on my request to you would be a consistent high bar. Even a conventional music programs finale that sounds meaningful, but as the opening show, census drawn not so the best, I thought, at least, is the second and third group would look up music box.

When I repeated the "survivor" to live, after reading so many times, in the heart also has a new idea, and so-called "one resuscitation, two back to cooked." I believe that is absolutely there will be next. After that, will let you in MS stage, there is a protagonist that moment! The best time, the best talk, the best lighting, the best live. As long as you work hard enough.

can also not a completely bad. Even you are increasingly recognized in Japan today, the Japanese market is still an opportunity for the Dong Bang Shin Ki and TVXQ fans, you can know their own weight, can keep ahead of the goal, can do a better market. In short, this in any case, it is already the consensus of many of us.

nir final conclusion on behalf of everyone: including Japanese rice, then you are very happy is that you ask too much!

google music we are always feeling at the MS stage, lighting, how wonderful, I still remember when I said that one day, but also beautiful to look at you standing on the stage of MS, performing one. This time, the end is to reach this goal.

9, said: In a very real True singing;

program is the first time yesterday to see live, though because of greed and want to look at them while cut-off line has also led to death once, but the basic be synchronized saw their first live single MS.

feelings, then we would think that I should also write yesterday, but then his thoughts in order, then sleepy, wake up, then ran off to participate in a wedding, so now write.

I think you are such a singer. Do not want the occasional performance for your hard to find an excuse, but if the mind is with such a small mistake, it can be understanding. But you still have to always remember to do a higher TVXQ, we must take the stage on a music box that reduce the number of mistakes to a minimum, you have to conquer and prove all the fundamental - is up to you!

I do after expatiated -


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