
66call VoIP ready

our domestic development of VOIP phone network, as early as in 2005, the then Ministry of Information Industry (now the Ministry of Industry and Information) has issued a document restrictions on domestic private capital to enter the VOIP Internet telephony market operations, which of course both right initial state has invested a huge traditional telecom operators to protect the interests of the considerations, may also have VOIP Internet phone calls at that time the quality and safety of some of the concerns about communication and information. Now, however, can be said that times had changed at home and abroad VOIP Internet telephony market size and market structure has undergone fundamental changes, the domestic VOIP VoIP "gray zone", but also after four years of hard, but a bright future despite the rapid development of VOIP Internet phone operators on their own access to the technology, operational experience, market and service delivery such as in-depth accumulation, but also nearly 300 million domestic Internet users a large group of means of communication, and attitudes are quietly undergoing changes, as opposed to the traditional cell phones and landlines, the majority of Users appear to be more willing in all conditions permitting use of tariff is cheaper, and call quality, clearer, more flexible way to use VOIP Internet telephony. In fact, the present, China's domestic market size, under the Ministry of Information Industry and an authoritative advisory body to have a latest forecast: By 2009, China's VoIP Internet phone calls in the long-distance market share will be equal to or even exceed PSTN (ie, traditional analog telecommunication networks) and mobile (GSM, CDMA) the sum of long-distance business.
VOIP Internet Phone is a kind of use of the existing Internet (including wired and wireless) for high-definition transmission of telephone calls and voice a new means of communication is a means of communication and communication technology, great progress, but also represent the future development of communication the direction and development trend, the European Union of course, fully justified to prevent some European countries for wireless operators to protect their own economic interests of the Skype Internet telephony for mobile VOIP censoring.
VOIP Internet telephony at home and abroad before the current market size and market changes in the pattern, facing a huge demand for VOIP Internet telephony market and the rapid development of foreign high-66call the VOIP Internet telephony and domestic development is lagging behind the VOIP Internet telephony gap, many experts and scholars have China VOIP Internet phone market, forecast the full lifting of the ban has become a necessity, full lifting of the ban is only of time and timing issues. Telecommunications Research Institute experts have been outspoken on the Fan Chung pointed out: Telecommunications Research Institute experts, Fan Chung, said: "For the representative of advanced technology trends, but due to conflict with existing policy and national innovation, the telecommunications regulator should actively create conditions to promote policy adjustments, so that the telecommunications regulatory work to adapt to new technological developments. "He believes that as technology advances, IP phone, IPTV services will be increasingly strong market demand, the existing regulatory policies certainly have to make adjustments. In fact, "there is competition, there is progress to the advanced technology blindly blockade, the future will be even greater losses. Because once a technical merchandise in the future, it is difficult to keep up with. On the Internet technology, the Chinese do not do does not mean that others do not to do. Once abroad, make a big Chinese companies will have no legislative

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feet to the." another telecommunications industry veteran said, "When we also focus on the Study block technology, foreign vendors have turned to development of multi-party VoIP calls, voice mail, integrated 3G, wireless VoIP and other more advanced technology of. "
66call VoIP ready 2009-04-14 11:34 As the world's more than 400 million registered users a well-known VOIP Internet phone operator giant, eBay's Skype, which had recently formally involved in the new field of mobile Internet telephony, it will be VOIP Internet phone for the first time from cable Internet to expand into the wireless mobile networks in a realistic sense of the cross, the user can directly use the wireless network using the mobile phone call tariffs wake up call even cheaper VOIP Internet telephony, for hundreds of millions of mobile phone users worldwide , it is naturally a good thing. However, once this news release, many wireless network operators in Europe for the protection of their own economic interests, have to enter the mobile VOIP to the Skype Internet phone market, had a "blocked." April 11, however, according to some of the authority of the foreign media reports, the European Union is preparing to introduce new requirements for wireless carriers, such as lifting of the Skype Internet phone service VoIP phone blockade Telecommunications Commission, Viviane Reding, the EU is already getting ready for mobile phones Wireless VOIP VoIP blocked countries to implement an order requiring them to use their market power to those who blocked innovative services for wireless network operators to court. Also, according to related media further reported that the German decision to block VoIP services, telecommunications, the EU may consider it an anti-trust prosecution.



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