
non-transactional Web site can catch up through the promotion of exclusive products online travel agencies?

User to speak for more than represent his personal views do not necessarily represent the views or position of Sina.

Through this feature, customers, and industries and enterprises can clearly understand their roles, and how the collaboration among enterprises.

In the "meta-search vs online travel agencies: the three main differences between its importance" (Meta-search vs Online Travel Agents: The Three Main Differences and Why They Matter) this article, I mentioned that online travel agencies (transactional website) and meta-search sites (non-transactional website) One of the main difference is that transactional Web site tries to establish a unique set of product system, that is not available elsewhere in product inventory (or stock combinations). Rather than transactional meta-search sites are focused on the guidance of non-unique product, because these products are maintained by other enterprises.
To find a single cost-effective transaction very difficult (and time-consuming and expensive), to accurately locate customer base is even harder (more time-consuming, and perhaps the cost of a little low).
As noted earlier, online travel agencies to establish a unique behind the product system is used for supplier management, product promotion and customer service teams and infrastructure, a lot of money invested.

Fat Comments

I was through Dealbase in 2008 PhoCusWright conference speech to know them, and I am also the company's presentation at that meeting as one of the best of the six lectures. The hotel will take turns to offer information directly uploaded to Dealbaseyahoo search on, the next DealBase team will review the quality of the information. Offer information is provided by the supplier, but the audit completed by the distributor. DealBase hope to be able to obtain in this way a unique product.

Rather than transactional Web site is trying to zero-cost copy of this unique product system. Do not put any cost in the circumstances, I do not think they can successfully copy the same system of special products.
America's leading meta-search companies launch exclusive offers Kayak Product Private Sale.
Voyageprive and Jetsetter
Kayak Private Sale
I learned about it from the Hotel Blogs on the Punishment and


multinational corporations VoyagePrive. The company launched operations in several countries, is a focused only on the recommendation of the tourism product "club" designed to provide its members exclusive of the tourism product. Only members receive the invitation to join the club. To join later, VoyagePrive will be for members to send specially purchased from a supplier offers product information. These benefits will only be valid for 72 hours.

However, in the end of 2009, with the non-trading nature of yahoo7 site to start building a unique product system, the boundaries between the two has become less apparent.

In November 2009, TripAdvisor announced the launch of TripAdvisor Business Directory features. TripAdvisor charged to the enterprise through this pattern of not less than the cost of 600 U.S. dollars, so that enterprises can directly add the relevant contact information (including e-mail, hyperlinks, and phone number), rather than through third-party advertising to promote. TripAdvisor time being, although there is no position, but I think they are right to adjust prices and special features only a matter of time.

The following is a unique product model is operating six non-trading nature of the theoretical sites:

Direct sales Web site, and supporting sales increasingly blurred boundaries between sites, which is for the future development of the whole industry has a major impact.

Based in Australia TotalTravel (now the property of possession, yes! And a television network, a joint venture) to Accommodations Directory Web site started out (in the business directory of TripAdvisor released a few years ago they use this mode). In the target areas of the hotel are included free of charge to the base directory, can be obtained by paying the specified location and promotion functions. After the release of enhanced functionality, including through the promotion of specific TotalTravel (with period) offers product information.

The online travel site was once the classification is very simple, only transactional Web site and two kinds of non-transactional sites.

In other words, sites are either profit-making model of inventory with suppliers negotiating, and through guest's credit card charges; either through advertising and clicks, will bring guests from one site to another site, and take the profits.



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