
Amazing Doctor, Business and Consumer list packages

Quit paying thousands of dollars for old tired lists

Now you can pay only $295 for ALL complete, OPTIN, USA Lists below. This price is only until Friday (regular price is $495)

There's no going wrong at this price! Email me to get samples or to order: jenna.thomson@gmx.us

You will get ALL complete lists below:


1) Physicians (34 specialties): 788k records, 17k emails, 200k fax numbers
2) Chiropractors: 108,421 total records * 3,414 emails * 6,553 fax numbers
3) Alternative Medicine: 1,141,602 total records with 36,320 emails and 38.935 fax numbers
4) Dentists: 164k records, 45k emails, 77k fax numbers
5) Dental Specialists: 30k records all with emails
6) Veterinarians: 78,986 total records with 1,438 emails and 1,050 fax numbers
7) Hospitals: 10,661 Emails for hospitals in the USA
8) Nursing Homes: 31,589 Senior Administrators, 11,288 Nursing Directors in over 14,706 Nursing Homes (full contact info no emails)
9) Pharmaceutical Companies: 47,000 emails of pharma company employees
10) Physical Therapists: 125,460 total records with 5,483 emails and 4,405 fax numbers
11) Oncology Doctors: 2,200 records all with emails
12) US Surgery Centers: 85k records and 14k emails
13) Acupuncturists: 23,988 records 1,826 emails
14) Massage Therapists: 76,701 records and 8,305 emails
15) Medical Equipment Suppliers: 67,425 total records with 6,940 emails and 5,812 fax numbers
16) Mental Health Counselors: 283,184 records 7,206 emails
17) Visiting Nurses & RN's: 91,386 total records with 2,788 emails and 2,390 fax numbers
18) Optometrists: 63,837 records 2,015 emails
19) Psychologists: 272,188 records and 9,874 emails
20) Healthcare Recruiters: 11,370 emails for active healthcare recruiters in the USA
21) Plastic Surgeons: 23,109 emails with full data


1. USA Business Collection: 10 Million Emails for US businesses in various categories (3 lists)
2. Schools in the USA: 439,797 emails for Schools, Universities and Colleges in the USA.
3. Churches in the USA: 169,377 emails for Churches of all denominations in the USA
4. Architects in the USA: 9,790 emails in total
5. Real Estate Land Developers: 10,837 emails in total
6. Construction Development: 94,272 emails
7. Criminal Attorneys: 142,906 total records, 99,857 emails
8. Real Estate Agents: 2.4 Million Email Database (2 lists)
9. Police and Sheriff Services: 42,987 records and 114 emails
10. Hotels in the USA: 63,260 emails
11. Manufacturers: 1,057,119 records with 476,509 emails
12. USA Lawyers: 269,787 records with 235,244 emails
13. Financial Planners: 148,857 records all with emails
14. Finance and Money Professionals: 116,568 records all with emails
15. Insurance Agents: 61,744 emails for Insurance companies in the USA (2 files)
16. Media Outlet Contacts: over 200k records all with emails and full contact data
17. VARs and IT Consultants: 12,000 VAR and IT consultant Emails in the USA

Foreign Business Lists:

1. Canadian Businesses Database: 500,000 records for Canadian businesses all with emails
2. United Kingdom Business Database: 400,000 records all with emails for businesses in the United Kingdom
3. India Business Database: 1 Million Email Database for businesses in India


(1) Credit Inquiries Database: 1 million Full Data Records all with emails

(2) American Homeowners Database: 1 million Full Data Records all with emails

(3) American Consumer Database: 2,400,000 records all with emails.

Order today, this price is only until Friday. Contact me here jenna.thomson@gmx.us for sample spreadsheets or to order.

Please email plsremv@gmx.com for delisting



How to Design a Store Front Sign

In this Article we will talk about designing a store front for a business. What color or size should your Letters & designs be? What to put on your sign and why?, then be ready to Get in touch with sign people and get your best deal. Large lettering with out a front sign could save you time and money Do your products have a special shape or color to emulate on your sign? Kodak is always in yellow and black, Coca-Cola white on red, Etc. Muffler places, have a sign in the shape of a muffler. your phone number on the store front some place, but not on the identification sign, (door, or window) Your Product & logos can be arranged on the front sign, or window. Not on the Pole sign, Store hours & phone number could fit in your design and by using the product color, it could add product recognition & enhance your design. Suppliers may provide plenty of advert

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