
medical shopping watch original music

Haha, the opening was originally performed by a small puppet to head a very special way, just cater to children's tastes!
Performance time is very short, only about 45 minutes, and then the audience and the cast go next door to the hall, we bought a CD, eating snacks on the home.
When a doctor has not come yet, Isabella and her father played with it could be fun!
Isabella saw Han it? So excited!
Clothes put on, there are Sugar Sugar to eat, little girl happy again! Doctors say that this is the last injection, the next examination would have to wait five months after Isabella two years time, so this does not require an appointment, 5 months after an appointment you can call them, and at the same time also requires us to such as a child 2 years old, time to check the vision to take it to an ophthalmologist.
Not the beginning of the show, Isabella entered the theater on the show were excited, and she loved excitement, there's responsible for this event photography particularly fond of an old man taking pictures to Isabella that she is too cute! Performances beginning, the little girl's excitement once again saw an increase in the height of Big Brothers Big Sisters on stage performing her one Xiaopi Hai performing children in the audience followed suit, but also dancing is screaming, the end of each show to listen to to the applause, she also followed the applause, that does not shy timid, very generous very active, really let us young couple quite surprised, after all, this is the first time such a close watch her live performances, it is estimated that she grew up is also a love the performance of girls, just like her aging mother, like when I was studying and working time, especially when working in each of the municipal government organized cultural performances, all my units of power a person on behalf of our dance solo, Niu A! Hope that Isabella grow up and excel better than blue, I am more than her aging mother cow, ha ha!
Today, according to appointment time and bring Isabella to the physical examination, is the same, there is no measuring height and weight, they check the heart and lung, ear, nose, throat, and then is a preventive vaccination, and this is the last one needle, and alas ... Isabella is hate That doctor, but also know that no good doctor come in, that Kua! Because tonight our family to go to watch original music performances to bring the camera, so the time in the clinic, by the way to the Isabella took a few, with a total sense of place in this kind of love music, take pictures of strange, but in order to record her The physical process, no way to 啦, if the impact on doctors and nurses work, anyway, they did not say, I would not care that they had, but do not call me several times her husband took, but I did not ignore him, Ha ha!
After medical examination, her husband and her daughter to take us to the mall, and then go to work. The shop I bought many, because we are beginning a large reduction, but only the lowest, only 5 fold, folded two folded had to wait for some time to come. The things to buy Isabella, all I am Italian, and indeed can not help but buy down, and wait for a re-discount, because we have a few pieces of my fancy, and was preparing to buy and found Isabella la Smelly , and trouble ah, so quickly took her to change diapers, etc. go back to a time when to buy and found no more, Yunsi away, then 10 minutes away on time! So then I see another favorite, especially the last one left, and immediately start with buy out! I just bought myself a scarf, alas, I was really mad scarf, scarf 1000 10000 homes can be seen like it, but fought off five, and it's tempting to buy, crazy, and it Discount End of the scarf have 6

Dance Music

Europe, and later think about also felt quite expensive, but I like to, ah, no way! Stroll at the mall for a whole 6 hours before her husband work together in the past and our mall to eat dinner, but also Turkey, BBQ hamburgers, ha ha, economical and delicious ah!
Some people want to come in suddenly heard the voice, Isabella immediately Wang Menkou, it seems to have been aware of what!
Doctor right away to give her lollipop to eat, she cry, and kids really have good coax a!
The poor child, crying too much and so to the choking, coughing for a long time!
The original is a nurse came in to take something!
Doctor finally came in, happy little girl also loves music, tense up!
However, nurses gone, Isabella looks worrying about what is no longer laughing, and did not want her father to play with a!
Mei Touzhou up, a storm coming!
Finally sing, Isabella helping people in the audience, dancers, causing the audience under the laughter, is simply robbed the stage actor's thunder could be Isabella was incredibly happy, good times back side of her grasp, but she just do not dry, struggling to go a stage further below, it is getting her Meizhe! They'll also participate in similar activities, it is best not to take the first row, so Isabella would not go to the stage following the trouble!
After that we went to meet her mother last week, she also made another one eye cataract surgery, and now two eyes, take some time for recovery, the doctor said that this time she could not drive, so we had to pick her, and went to see original musical performances, and are primary and secondary school music teacher Zi Bianzi Linz write songs, sing of Jesus with the Bible Church of colors, but combines elements of modern pop music, and then by a number of primary and secondary schools was born singing, After the performance, also invited all the audience free of charge to eat Christmas cookies and drinks at the same time want the audience to buy their own produced CD, a CD to be € 7, my husband gave 10 euros, saying that 3 euros as a tip, he said, people engage in original music, since the Part self-guided, Burongyia, very hard, but also invited us to eat and drink for free can be considered to support the original music to make points, modest bar!
Clinic of the iceberg!
To see a doctor pick up needles, Isabella burst into tears suddenly afraid too!
Isabella are most afraid of needles, ha ha!
Admission is about actors, Isabella a little impatient!



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