
, where original music in the spring - Whispers By Wang Yi

Whispers By Wang Yi each live performance at a later time, Zhang teachers want to take this song to welcome the spring of original music, this is a good desire, but also sang more than three years, but the original music in the spring where? she really come? Music Festival in 2009 engaged in a lot of , idiot who is also fortunate to participate in a few, can be mostly played out on the end, there is no follow-up response. Of course, This is very much related to the level of the band and can not not pull out of X. Lai XX. However, there are those who, like Inner Mongolia, as bad music festival, not many here say. Two days ago, and a would-be rock buddies who chat with the economy, he said he been engaged in a music festival in Chongqing, live broadcast, helicopter aerial, municipal leaders in the audience watch, can be described as a grand occasion! Did not expect the band on stage just shout up the street, immediately was the H-down, and this also led to rock the world are dirty, or even the entire original music is on the table can not be bad impression! Rock and roll is the need of treason, even of the Old Cui aged a few days ago was still saying that rock is to treason! But the rebellion is to Brew? Is to take your pants off on stage? Is to drop piano? Baituo those who want a strong performance in rock and roll people leave to others means of subsistence! You do not represent your own!
Next year, said there are many music festivals, and many people feel that rock music has to be original starting point for children! Many businesses also saw a business opportunity (we will soon be performed in Rolling Stone is the case) Of course, our own qualities, including music quality, performance quality, performance, and so many areas needs to have greatly increased! I do not want all this is just a guess and wish, I hope that the arrival of spring broke! Let us work together (which is inside must have our own obsession with who), along with original music to welcome the spring!

A few days ago passing Sanlitun, in the city hotel in a building on the east, impressively written three characters, "De-yun Society." At that time, and Mr. Chang chat, Guo teachers do successfully, ah! The land here is a multi-Guia! Guo said that there is still next to the restaurant! Ten years ago, comic dialogues, I am afraid not as good as the present situation of rock and roll, right? However, you can see now, Devon community, as well as a variety of cross-talk club, what Baozi Pu are talking about comic dialogue. Frequently appeared in various TV! The few of us who are small hears comic dialogue, a child listening to Ma Sanli, master Hou Baolin That's all ah! Love music, we are not heard before, but now some are really flattered! Thus did the same on TV as usual is booming! You Diansuan listener may think that I speak in fact not, I hope that the fire comic dialogue, I also like to hear! But the comic dialogue can be revived because we thought Mody? I am afraid that the teachers contributed 郭德纲 bar! (Lu "Qiao clearance off chores," the theme song for teacher contact time and Kuo, who extremely intelligent! Unsuccessful it is absolutely impossible!) Although the driving force of the comic dialogue is not a fair share of people Guo teachers may be others or through the power of the crosstalk own dying! There are many irrelevant also to catch a ride! Let us rock and roll Cui Jian, the banner of the teacher, performance costs are too high! Is also a successful people, nothing that my own a movie or something. Music Festival said the cost of a few big points, the small band who basically is to go Charity! This is a vicious circle, there is no performance fee for performances, plus some no place to live band music festival, rock broke the spirit of can we not? I have great respect for Cui Jian, a teacher, and our album, he has also been given a very good evaluation, I am very grateful to him. I know that the push

Original Music

dynamic original music and original music to help these things is not his fair share of things, but I really want to rock and roll music industry circles as the original comic dialogue sector, as not even help each other, they should not step on each other and unite, not a mess!
Remember that it was three years ago, I, Zhang Yi-song, Wu Zeqi 3 carries the dreams of people dedicated to music in that cold winter created a passion of "Spring" song. Music The part that I first wrote a harmonic carried out with the guitars were recorded, and then simply made a MIDI drum and bass. Three going into the studio to sing along with the accompaniment of their Dance music melodies in my mind, Zhang teacher's word is written very place, and thus was born the "spring" this song. Comparison of the true creative writing at the time of our state. Later, the song "Spring" has also been a lot of obsessive love!



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