
challenge to the most beautiful game to give you the top Foxconn card

title online games popular in Japan and South Korea, "Uncharted Waters Online", by virtue of its real 3D images not only won gold Ling Award 2006 "Best 3D game" heavyweight awards, also received the majority of online gamers love. Any player can register

Association, just issued registration e-mail to the mailbox huodong@foreseen.com.cn to provide true information can be. Enrollment in the message must indicate the names of individuals, QQ number, contact details, currently playing the role of the name and grade, where the Association, the Association of introduction, the number of the Society, the Society forum or website, the Society QQ group, personal contact, personal area , identity card number and other details in order to release prizes after the match.

30 Ge players receive cards on behalf of the Society will be conducted after a 45-day high-performance graphics card test "Uncharted Waters OL" screen gaming experience.



value of 989 yuan a 1G Meizu Music Card X1

1. All applicants are required to enter the players, "Uncharted Waters OL" and fully experience the game world, the response screen, the game settings, teamwork interesting gameplay elements such as write their own opinions and recommendations.

value of 120 yuan for 2 months, "Uncharted Waters Online" free play time X10

"Great Voyage OL" finds fault with: 60fight music minutes

value of 50 Swiss Army Knife X10

30 Wei Players Association and selection criteria:

"Uncharted Waters Online" Association assigned to

5 Yue 25 Ri -6 on 20

"Uncharted Waters Online" Association of Fund

completing a survey questionnaire was Foxconn 7 discount card

Best in Test 3

Enrollment player rating: 10 points

Enrollment player

the official competition will be based on the article, where the popular elements such as the Society consolidated Society of selected 30 players released Foxconn series of high-performance graphics cards.

Society can be a variety of activities such as card auction, the auction house or the great sailing ships for the Association of the user Jie Ke, such as the Association to users outside the auction can be a forum format.

illustrations, picture quality: 10 minutes

Meizu music card application end, we will register players in all extract lucky players get refined gift

"Uncharted Waters Online" theme T shirt

Gift items include:

2. within the prescribed period, all applicants will be insights and recommendations of the players sent to the mailbox, and with great sailing ships huodong@foreseen.com.cn role name, grade, district service, account number and other relevant information.

"Great Voyage OL" as the theme of the article: 70 minutes


card effect descriptions, evaluation, comparison: 30 minutes

another: players who participate in this event automatically participation "Foxconn graphics cards pilot China World Experience" event, there is a chance to win Foxconn stylish home computer.

value of 180 yuan to the sound of music Foxconn hiking backpack


6 Yue 15 Ri -7 30

player for the screen, the game setting, teamwork interesting, gameplay, memory and other elements of the market share test and submit the relevant test reports, test after the game graphics are the property of all the players association.

All players may participate in online games

where the trade union integrated elements: 20 points

this competition using the game as "Uncharted Waters OL"

value of 500 yuan Uncharted Waters Association Fund (Association enjoy)

value of 180 yuan in 3 months "Uncharted Waters Online" free play time

after the game, the official will be based on articles from the 30 participating Society of Meizu music card to play at home selected three Best in Test Award.

Best in Test Award selection criteria:

The "Uncharted Waters Online" together Foxconn Technology Group, launched the "Extreme Screen Challenge" activities. This event is for the Chinese Society of online games for all players, not only can challenge the most beautiful game, as well as the opportunity to get the latest Foxconn graphics cards, as well as generous gifts. Is the elites? Or a mob? Your Association is capable of, you ranked a number of associations to participate in events such grand challenges of the most beautiful game, you should be cool to. Activity Rules.

receive the following prizes:

wide expanse of ocean, realistic scenery, "Uncharted Waters Online" screen limit of what is in the end? Take a look at the game in the azure sky, the bar.



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