
sentiment @ digital, and some thoughts

may be due to curiosity, it may be because young, tend to compare a variety of digital products, fault-finding mentality of always looking at this field, but it could not understand some domestic manufacturers propaganda. watched a two-year mp3, for this industry has a deeper understanding comes from started going to school looking forward to the present at arm's length, but still insist on watching every day, learn about the latest products. for two years, the students basically changed two generations, and I still have not bought . Why? to see what they're buying so cheap that working then the rough, the industry itself has been my bitter ah, I have been to see them as beliefs. If you have money, I advise you to buy high-end, or to do buy. has audio of the u3 has always been my dream, was born more than a year and watched it and watched it be eliminated 512m version, but I still can not afford, or.

I love texture things. When you come to a field, to truly understand, they will find that in fact really good in this area on top of those few. mp3 is the same. among the high-end South Korea, Samsung's home video sound, irive of srs , audio of the bbe is bar bar. apples while the market accounts for 3 / 4, but it's not rely on a single product, itune excellent and the 1.8-inch hard drive has played a decisive improvement. However, in China or lack of acclimatization, the Patriot in my opinion is an imitation of it, but the market is too small, the scope of frustrating little more. other vendors, especially since that produce excellent products, fool consumers can, for fields and then can only be a laughing stock of the real mp3 people do not like to see what a hodgepodge of features, is concerned about the music itself. I personally think that compared to the first two, bbe is the best, because a long time will not be a headache. This is perhaps why u3 has been recognized as the best The mp3, music, Artifact! to see the US-made songs actually have tried out a bbe sound, I really difference. do not know how kind of effect. domestic manufacturers too love the old feeling of publicity, to fool people, to see every day on TV mobile phone introduced can cicadas, is clearly a function of the software can be achieved, but others do better, but why are blown himself best in the world. people do not really need to buy, because he knows how Meizu mp4 quote thing, no need to do not buy. In the end lost the most precious integrity. I went to was not looked down on domestic manufacturers, just want to say that you are capable of, we stopped porcelain much alive, the world's discerning eye is watching. China's manufacturers in product spread on the is done best in the world!!! something that only domestic, can spread a large area. do not believe you look at examples around!

Lenin said that a good

words: a person's strengths must include a person's shortcomings. Equally suitable for China's MP3 area, too popular, and profits down, and our old trouble appeared, like the quantity to win, Bo Xilai said that the words of the classic sentence "We are only 60 million shirts in exchange for others a Boeing aircraft "Chinese people do a very good high-end self-confidence, finally made out of a Meizu M6, the results of propaganda posters really boast about. I found a two Meizu m3 pictures, a group of people is 咱 film, and a group to South Korea after the others do, take a look at what the experience will know. Meizu software, the same thing, why is there such a big gap? See the Koreans did a poster money want to save money to buy my own people, I do not say what it is. May reduce the gap between the ah!

above the Koreans to do

time see themselves get very sad. Is it just because of some unrealistic thing? I repeatedly asked myself, this is also why? But still not control himself. luxury, extravagant things, I know bones or vanity, perhaps the reason is too poor, always longing for the night of the outbreak, and even how to spend money want a good, and very realistic. Digital, the biggest destroyer of the environment, but I love a very tough battle, each time the Internet must be seen, let alone read in the reading, perhaps too want to have, I know that I am right now in certain areas will cause a lot of views people's discontent, but I just want to say, I see, I know tell me this is true, even though it is very cruel. Character as I am now, what is your feeling daring to say out, hurt me do not worry, at least Meizu m8 Forum, I know what you think, feel your feelings, perhaps very sad, but a long time I would appreciate your sincere, I like sincere friends.

The following is the Chinese are doing



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