When you are creating a marketing plan for your business you may want to look into business cards that can magnetize to a metal surface. People may be much more likely to keep your business card if it has a practical use and they will know right where to look if they need it. Learn how to make magnetic business cards at home for your business.
Add your contact information to the magnetic business card. Give all the information someone may need to contact you.
Place your company name in a prominent position on the magnetic business cards. Place your tagline on the card as well but in a smaller size than your company name.
Print out your business cards. Attach a magnet to the back of the cards. You can often purchase magnets on a roll and cut to the size you need. These magnet rolls often have adhesive on the back, making them easy to attach to the back of a card.
Use the colors you have chosen for your business. Create a design for the magnetic business cards that you find appealing and that will appeal to those who would be interested in your services.
Hand out your magnetic business cards. Put them on your own fridge or filing cabinet in your office for others to see.
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