Ok, so have you ever wondered if you are doing this right? If your views, efforts to increase someone's article rating is counted? The visits to your site are counted? Well, it is crucial to have your cookies on to actually have your visit add to the count of visits.
Here is an article that will take you through the checklist to have your visit mean something.
Check your internet settings. Make sure that you have the option to ACCEPT THIRD PARTY COOKIES ACTIVATED. This way, you are ensured that your visit will actually count and add a number to the visit count on a particular article.
First, click on and open up an article of interest, either someone who you have subscribed to or an article that meets your curiosity by simply stumbled upon. Visit this site often to help other people reap the same benefits that you are seeking.
Be kind. Reciprocate the kindness that people show by visiting your article and the time they have spent commenting, by "paying it forward", so to say.