I am here to confess, I get very annoyed by a co-worker who consistently talks to herself at various times of the day. She reads the directions on her screen and just does this play-by-play out loud. She sometimes sings too, ARGH! makes me nuts! Yes we have to communicate, but if you know it might annoy someone and they say something to you, take that as a hint. I will tell you what I do that works and what doesn't. I welcome your thoughts on what works for you too.
Put your headset on and listen to your favorite tune or mantra for that matter and be at peace with yourself knowing you tried. Relax and enjoy the music, knowing that nothing stays the same, everything changes, like people move cubes all the time right? It could be you moving or her.
Take a few deep breaths, cross your eyes, and reason with yourself and try to be patient. Yes, this to me is weird and annoying, but who am I to judge? Try to let it go....and if this doesn't work...
When your cubical neighbor starts having a conversation with their celestional self, try to use reasoning by using some humor and say, "do you always talk to yourself?" and if you sense they might be offended, then