
How to Become Rich With Stocks

Possible yes it is. Risky could be risky too. To get somewhere in life you must understand that you have to take risks.
If you never risk anything, you won't get far.
Of course there's going to be some that will disagree with me on this but for the majority it is true.
In the stock market you have to know a couple of things before you seriously get into the trading aspect of it. First you have to study the 52 week status of a stock, and see how much it has gone up in price.
See how many people are actually with this stock. See who the stock belongs to. Make sure it is a known company, or stock.
The higher you see a stock for it doesn't necessarily mean that that stock will keep performing as high.
Or that stock will remain within the same value, I seen stocks at 200$ per share go up to 400$ within and hour.
Yet the same stock I seen it go back down to 50$ dollars the next day.
Very important to be rich, you have to loo k at all of the different opportunities.
You have to look at all of the different outcomes.
More does mean more possibilities of course but you have to look at how you defined more.
To me more means a lot of shares. Also a lot more shares with different stocks, not just one stock.
But you have to see how you buy this shares though.
Think of it this way why buy 4 shares with a stock going for 500$ a share when you can buy a penny stock and buy more shares.
Example a 15cent stock you can buy 20000 thousand shares and that will only cost you 3000$.
I'm not saying buy that number of shares is just an example.
Now look at the possibilities the same stock if it goes to 50 cents a share that will be 100000$ dollars. It may not seem like a lot but it is 7000 more dollars than what you previously started with.
Now think of it this way what if you bought 100000 shares from a 15cent stock that is only 15 thousand dollars. The same stock if it goes 50 cents a share that is 50000 dollars you have just gained.
What about if you purchase 3 different stocks, and you purchased 100000 shares from each of the 3 stocks that will at least be 45000. If you bought it from a 15 cent stock.
But 3 different stocks.
Now think of this you might not think that it makes a difference but 100000 shares makes a difference when you look at it in a chart.
Now when someone else that studies the stock market, looks at the stock they're going to think why did that person just purchase so many shares must be that the stock is going to go up.
So what does the other person who sees this does buys the same amount of shares, or possibly more, and more people continue to do this. What happens after that, the stock goes up in price.
There's your opportunity to sell your stocks, and make money from them.

Deposit that money into your bank necessary to open the account.
Deposit money to make the investments.

Talk to your local bank see if they offer stock trading through it.
Ask them how much it is.

If within a month you don't see big gains. Simply wait till the stock goes up a penny, and sell it.
Go look for another stock.

Choose a good stock trading company open your account with 500$ dollars or more.

Keep investing over and over following this method, and make bigger investments, in more share, and you will see you will become rich.

Keep track of your stocks in a daily basis how much you bought it for, how much it has gone up.
Even if you're busy you can setup applications that will keep you update in your phone telling you your stock stats.

Difficulty: Easy



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