There are LOTS of people selling methods to make money in online affiliate marketing. These methods are often sold as ebooks. These ebooks "instruct" you about how to make money using "secret" methods. There are some legitimate methods to online marketing. Here's how to avoid online affiliate marketing scams.
Be prepared to spend hours pushing traffic to your website or blogger blog. Understand that each and every online marketing method will not work unless you can drive traffic to your website. Successful online marketers direct tons and tons of web traffic to their product offers.
Try some basic free online affiliate marketing methods. Do not buy any online marketing method if you are new to affiliate marketing. As a newbie, you should be able to do some affiliate marketing without spending any money whatsoever on a particular method. There are free online marketing methods available. I recommend Bum Marketing.
Look at things from an entrepreneurial standpoint. Many of the most successful online marketers sell online affiliate marketing ebooks. See a connection? In other words, if the method is so great, why would they share it with competitors? As with anything else, buyer beware.
Search online for discussions about a particular online marketing method. If your search results only lead to other websites selling the exact same online marketing method, there is a problem. There ought to be honest discussion on some message boards about the legitimacy of an affiliate marketing method.