A budget for a daycare playground helps prepare for unexpected costs and offers a clear picture of the project. With a budget, a daycare can petition for grant funding, since prospective donors know exactly where their money is going. To create a budget for a playground, a daycare operator must gather all financial statements available, record income sources, create a list of projected expenses and document revenue projections.
Add a shipping category, which might include truck unloading, freight, packaging disposal and removal, and goods inventory.
Determine which type of surface you want in the daycare playground. Consider the amount of sub-surfacing and the costs of excavation, labor, freight, materials and containment.
Consider the cost of preparing a site for your daycare playground. This category includes facets such as sidewalk installation, permits, drainage and lighting.
Contract with a consultant who specializes in playground design and planning. Use his advice to establish a project time frame and projected budget.
Budget for installation, which might include professional installation, community building or supervised builds. Set aside some funds for unexpected situations that come up due to changes in the economy or playground equipment.
Create a category in your budget for storage, in the event that equipment or materials arrive before the site is ready for use.