Google Docs might now provide the easiest way to track stocks while leaving you great organizational control.
Click on "Create New" in the top left area of the page, then select "Spreadsheet".
Click on "More" at the top of the page, then select "Documents" from the drop down box.
You should use the first row to create row labels - "Company", "Ticker Symbol", "P/E Ratio", etc.
Log in to your Google/Gmail account.
You can then find ticker symbols in one easy step... In cell B2, type "=GoogleLookup(A2, "ticker")".
A2 references the company name in that cell. The "ticker" tells the spreadsheet to find the company's ticker symbol.
If you are searching for a company with different types of stock, you may want to double-check these. Simply click in the cell, then click on "More Options" in the box that appears. You will then see a few options that Google's search engine finds. Simply select the one you want to track.
In the first column, type names of companies that you are interested in tracking - For example, "Apple', "Google", "Cisco", etc.