
Best Way - Instructions for a Vinyl Cutter

Vinyl cutters for signage and decal work are similar to computer printers in design and operation. Although specialized design and device function software is required, the learning curve is usually quite short for average computer users. Unlike computer printers, where the operator simply loads paper and the printer does the rest, vinyl cutters require several manual adjustments before the cutting operation can commence. Our tutorial will take you through some of the common procedures.


  1. Vinyl cutters, also called sign plotters, use a simple text and layout program, allowing the user to type text, import graphics, layout and size the design. The "cut" command starts the process in which the program converts the design into vector outline form, and finally to information the cutter requires to operate. Many cutters are sold with proprietary or recommended programs, but most machines are compatible with popular third-party software.

    Keep all designs simple and easy to read. Complicated graphics, and small text with thin lines are extremely difficult to cut and apply. Look at professional signs and logos for design cues, and you will find that the best examples are the most simple.
  2. Size Gauges

  3. Cutters can manage material of different sizes, in rolls or sheets as large as the maximum bed-width, and as small as manufacturer's specifications permit. Rear platform adjustment gauges allow square loading of material as it is fed into the cutter. Side cutter bed gauges on the cutter bed, keep material from moving during cutting, assisted by tensioned wheels on the top cutter rail, directly above the sheet .

    Move all gauges to a wider gap than necessary. After placing material onto the machine, feeding the lead edge onto the bed area. Gauges will then be moved to a contact position with the material, but not so tight as to cause buckling or folding. Evenly space wheel tension devices across the sheet, by sliding and locking into position.
  4. Cutting Blade Pressure

  5. Cutting blades must cleanly penetrate vinyl, without cutting through the backing sheet. A knurled thumb-knob on the blade housing allows upward and downward pressure tweaking, while the overall pressure in grams, is entered by the user on the machine control panel.

    Choosing blade pressure is largely a matter of trial and error. Different vinyl grades, thicknesses and manufacturing methods require that users not take chances, and always run a test first. Blade pressure may also need to be adjusted if the blade has seen some use, and should be monitored periodically during a cutting session. Replacing blades regularly will ensure clean cuts and less waste.
  6. Material Quality

  7. All vinyl cutters are capable of suitable quality work when used and maintained as directed by the manufacturer. Many operators find themselves with problem jobs caused not by the machine, but by the material used. Good material is expensive, and the market is flooded with low-priced alternatives. But inexpensive material can cause more headaches than it is worth, making the purchase a poor investment.

    Material must also be rotated, as older vinyl stock can become brittle, and environmental exposure may cause color to fade, and adhesive to malfunction. Fresh, quality vinyl stock, used with a well maintained and properly adjusted machine, is the key to vinyl-cutting success.


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How to Design a Store Front Sign

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