
Correctly to the cell phone lithium battery charging problems

Taking into account cell battery display error and other factors, you can charge 1.5 hours more. Asus Laptop Battery Another point we should note that lithium batteries do not have long-term placement will be sentenced to hibernation, normal need to activate before using. Generally after 3 to 5 charge and discharge cycles can be activated. According to former we can see two reasons for dormancy of lithium batteries expect to activate charge through a long period of no significance. Because battery is full (about 2 ~ 4 hours), lithium battery protection circuit had been movement, cutting off external power supply. As role of protection circuit for a long time Although there is no charge on lithium hazards, but protection circuit to start would be energy consumption of batteries, in case protection circuit is disabled, ranging from damage to cells, while in damaged mobile, and then case can not envisage consequences of.
Recently, many readers wrote in to ask a friend to call or how to properly to cell lithium battery charging problems, it seems this issue is one we are more concerned about issue, I focus on here this question: bought a new mobile first three rechargeable lithium batteries how long it takes? Many of my friends think that we should charge 12 to 14 hours, laptop battery so as to activate dormant in cell, many businesses is also true when consumers purchase said. In fact, this issue has not a conclusion , and I personally think that lack of scientific basis for this view, in fact after first three charging and charging are same, there are 3 to 4 hours is sufficient. First, we all know that when lithium battery from overcharging, over-discharge, or charge and discharge current is too large, pairs of battery life and capacity are tremendous damage and even cause cell deformation or explosion, so in general internal lithium battery are set to protect electronic circuit batteries. When battery from overcharging, over-discharge, when current is too large, will be cut off connections with outside world. As some friends, as reflected in: Asus Laptop Battery Asus A42-A3 Battery cell charger in boot, there were telephone calls came in automatic shutdown will cause problems. In other words , initial battery voltage low, and when a call comes in, should be ringing, it is necessary to maintain tomb of β Province Huan ǖ T scold Miao Department of stolen mushrooms that pavilion squid Long Fei Song Zuben fine linen sacral sudden irregular intestinal worm significantly less gluttonous cormorant Fei Mu fine linen Torr; さ braid Fan sole disposal mysterious group of people hunt Department of Fei Fei Kang Mu Ying commission entropy only Weixinan Gou Mountain hoot far ìŠ F Lai Fei thereupon left Jen and bind source significantly less fine linen probes and awe-struck down fine linen Kang Qiao Lai sew? 0%, battery voltage is 4.2V, this will probably take almost two hours; and then to constant-voltage low-current charge, until after fully charged battery until internal protection circuit action, which takes about half an hour, taking into account battery charger for each product of individual differences in lithium battery to charge 3 to 4 hours is appropriate. For example, I tested Siemens 6618 battery charging process: charge 0.5 hours, battery capacity up to 50 %, indicating that "565F Battery"; charge 1 hour battery life up to 80%, indicating that "8667 Battery"; charge 2 hours, battery capacity to 100%, indicating that "A667 Battery".
Therefore, taking into account cell phones, lithium batteries and chargers for individual differences, charging three times before and after charge are same, only 3 ~ 4 hours There has been a lot of readers called or wrote in to ask a friend how to properly give cell lithium battery charging problems, it seems this issue is one we are more concerned about issue, I focus on here this question: to buy a new cell lithium battery charge pvious three long will it take? Many of my friends think that we should charge 12 to 14 hours, so as to activate dormant in cell, many businesses is also true when consumers purchase said. In fact, this issue has not a conclusion, and I personally think that lack of scientific basis for this view, in fact after first three charging and charging are same, there are 3 to 4 hours is sufficient. First, we all know that when lithium battery from overcharging, over-discharge, or charge and discharge current is too large, pairs of battery life and capacity are tremendous damage and even cause cell deformation or explosion, Asus Laptop Battery Asus A42-A3 Battery it is generally in lithium battery inside are set to protect electronic circuit batteries.
When battery from overcharging, over-discharge, when current is too large, will be cut off connections with outside world. As some friends, as reflected in: cell charger in boot, there were telephone calls came in automatic shutdown will cause problems. In other words, initial battery voltage low, Asus A42-A3 Battery and when a call comes in, should be ringing, it must maintain a certain power. In case of low voltage, battery current will increase, excessive current caused by battery protection circuit moves to cut off battery and external connections, resulting in automatic shutdown. Second, in order to improve efficiency of charging, lithium batteries first high current constant current charging to 90% of electricity, battery voltage is 4.2V, this will probably take almost two hours ; and then to constant-voltage low-current charge, until after fully charged battery action until internal protection circuit, which takes about half an hour, taking into account battery, charger individual differences in each product, lithium battery to charge 3 to 4 hours is appropriate.



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