
Wuyi tea Yoga (2010-01-18 14:21:47)

2, brooding meditation
Wuyi traditional tea, tea has a very unique way of cultural connotations, it is suitable for health practitioners like to join the spirit of the idea of tea, after the more perfect consciousness of its system, has reached a new level.
Tea: tea and then enjoy the aroma, or call-in teeth can be used Chuaicha way.
1, Le and the Five Elements
Gateway to refers to the chest of Zhuoqi exhaled from the mouth, and then slowly inhale from the nose, refreshing the air. Language, see "Chuang-tzu deliberate": "Oh blow breathing, renewal and." That spit Zhuoqi, inbound clear air.
Fast water: tea brewing the tea as soon as possible after all be filtered out, should not be soaked for too long. Soaking time is generally between a few seconds to 1-2 minutes, specifically the amount of bubble tea, how long can the number and personal preferences of the shade may be, there is also the beginning of a shorter soaking time, followed by soaking time can be longer.
5, call-tooth tea
"Prices are good health, Mo first enunciation." Health of the teeth of ancient family very seriously and summed up many of the Gu Chi health care approach. The "call-tooth" is an important one. "Repair teeth thrust" described in the longevity of experience, said: "Every morning when you wake up, knocking teeth 36 times." "Red furnace some blood," said: "Jin both ingested, mind of blood, in liver eyesight, in the spleen meditatively, in the lungs to help air, in renal Sheng Jin, natural tone Chang Bai Hai, Zhu disease can not be life. " Jin pharynx can be seen not only replenishing Kidney essence, but also nursed back to five internal organs, strengthen internal organs function, nourish the skin.
Xiang bottom of the cup: drinking a cup of tea after the bottom of the cup of the fragrant smell and enjoy the beauty of Wuyi Yan Cha.
Meditation is a health fitness method in ancient China. Turn a blind eye to sit cross-legged, adjust the breath out of his hands on a certain position, do not want anything.
Yoga through the process of dried fragrant smell, cover incense, incense bottom of the cup, and make take a deep breath, integrated traditional Chinese medicine and ancient aroma-guided surgery health 〔〕 part of the essentials of modern qigong can be effective in promoting physical and mental health.
Motorola's music mobile phone according to the ancients, "pentameter therapy" theory combined with modern medical therapies for creation of "Five Elements Ian Van Music", that is, through Yau elegant calm, fresh and natural melody to guide the people to improve the mind and body is not normal, injustice and state; sad sad soul, or body, whether visceral illness, as long as the intention to listen attentively to feel, or deep or shallow to always make people feel relaxed, blood and Cheong, and thus play a very good physical and mental health rehabilitation, and this is the treatment, also known as the medicine.
Commenting on the statement issued User represent their personal views represent the views or position of Sina.
Meditation known as the "sit cross-legged," "sit." In Buddhism is called "Meditation" or "meditation" is a Zen Buddhist compulsory. Meditation can self-cultivation life extension, but also by Kai-Zhi-Hui. We can not all bent on a Buddhist meditation, and ordinary people will do. But also conducive to the legs of the dredge meridians and blood circulation.
And the psychological, physiological, are closely linked. As early as more than two thousand years ago in Chinese medicine masterpiece, "Canon of Medicine" on the record with: "the liver is a wood, in the word for angle, in the Chi for the anger; Motorola's music handsets heart is a fire, in the word for 徴, in the Chi-Xi Li ; spleen dependent territories, in the word for Palace, in the blog for the thinking; lung is a gold, in the word for operators to worry about in the Chi; kidneys are the water, in the word for feather, in the blog for fear. " Kok, 徴, Gong, Shang, Yu pentameter called "days of the Five Elements."
Smells therapy, old as history itself, Chinese medicine, there are "fragrant Kaiqiao", which use modern scientific methods to explore the efficacy of a variety of aromatic, such a study in China also made the initial results, the study showed that different fragrance gas on the human body can produce different effects: first, the human body have lower blood pressure, improve sleep, ease the effect of stress; second, to enhance the immune system, regulating the endocrine system and circulatory systems of people; third is to stimulate people's vitality, to improve memory.
Yoga basic approach is: the initial grasp of basic methods, the use of "tea formulas" ① for daily practice; those who wish to enhance the repair of tea can be further practice of traditional 【Notes】
Take a deep breath to relax the best way of self, which range from simple deep breathing, until all the activities of meditation. Take a deep breath not only promote the human body and the outside world music tutor oxygen exchange, but also makes slow heartbeat, blood pressure reduction. It can shift people's attention in the constraining environment and increase self-awareness. When people know that they can to maintain calm through deep breathing, when, they can regain control of emotions and ease anxiety.
Gas Xiang: smell wafting aroma of tea, usually smell fragrant tureen.
Text / Ze-lan
Yoga in the past, as the basic posture of tea, that is, repair tea to meditate means talking about things like Discipline, including tea tea, tea, sentiment, in particular, through the adjustment of breathing and posture, consciousness to achieve harmony and unity of the state, to achieve relaxation physical, mental, self-cultivation purposes.
Chinese medicine believes that close to the teeth and kidney. "Kidney main bone, teeth, apart from the bone." This means that the kidney can support bone growth and bone marrow formation. Regular call-in teeth, can Qiangshen Gujing, balance of yin and yang, qi and blood to clear, smooth the meridians, thereby enhancing the body's health. Modern medical research confirms that periodontal tissue can knock teeth physiological stimulation can promote periodontal tissue blood circulation, excitement, nerves and pulp cells in teeth, periodontal tissue to enhance disease resistance and regeneration ability, so that teeth Yoga Music Teeth become hard and solid, neat white.
Yoga health, in quiet and clean environment, to make the body relaxed, natural, breathing evenly accessible, Ning Jing God gas, concentrating on the melody into, and savor the feeling of the corresponding organs, so that fluctuations between the two resonant up, you can Gudang body qi, dredge the meridians, balance of yin and yang and physical fitness.
Good Water: How water, tea, Lu Yu "tea", said: "Sun City for the spring, the river of the water in the well water for the next." Xiu tea conditional to the scenic mountains looking for spring, it will be a very pleasant and favorable psychosomatic activity, but live in the city to use mineral water or purified water on it.
4, Wen-xiang gateway to
   3, tea ceremony, the case
Boiling water: just boil the water till the immediate brewing, tea boiling water stress in early bogey with a long cooking, it is recommended to use electric "arbitrarily bubble" to boil water more convenient.
Traditional tasting Wuyi tea a "sip" tea of the law, issue the import of tea, "Hey sieve" Yoga Sound of Music. Practice methods used tea is tea made after knocking at the entrance tooth movement, so that repeated movement of tea in the promotion of inter-Chi Feng Sheng Jin mouth, then slowly swallowed, and Chuocha achieve the same effect, both increased again to knock the taste of tea pharyngeal teeth fitness Jin purposes.
As we all know, healthy tea. Chinese tea in vogue today, growing North-South Great Wall and the Yangtze River can be described as ubiquitous horizon tea, after studying the tea's benefits largely on evaluation of vitamins minerals and other nutritional point of view, functions mostly beneficial lipid-lowering blood pressure to lose weight physical refreshing discourse. Tea has always been beneficial to mental and psychological health are also a lot of records, such as tea, tea ceremony, "Zen tea" and so on, the author studies suggest that there is stress in tea on the health effect far more than these, drawing on the spirit of the concept of integration of traditional Chinese health surgery and traditional Chinese medicine theory and the essence of modern medicine, health outcomes, based on years of tea experience, learning experience of self-cultivation, compiled "Wuyi tea" dedicated to the tea Cha You.
  Yoga Music Wuyi tea



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