
Su Jiaoban the first 11 music lesson plans

(4) Learning lyrics:
Re-listen to songs and thinking: There are several phrases consist of?
Second, the purpose of teaching
Thinking: What are the characteristics of this song?
1. Organization of teaching:
Difficulty: Feel the performance of songs of different moods and paragraphs.
(3) Review, "woodchuck."
(3) Introduction works:
A: Gao Hu.
A: The studied.
Listen: "To Ally"
5. The end of school hours.
Foster, "Susanna"
(4) Learning lyrics:
An expression to sing.
Recognition: compose melodies
(4) compared to identify.
Tape recorders, tape.
Liang Sheng Department of singing harmony and balance.
Through the activity, students listen to melodies and feelings of identified modal melody capability.
3. The new award: Learning to sing "Little Cowherd"
By using the designated rhythm compose melodies, understanding the rhythm of the composition of elements of melody, feel the rhythm of the performance characteristics of the initial study and compose melody.
Song sheet total of four phrases, and each phrases from their weak start filming, so when you need urgent concert call slow absorption techniques, anxious feeling as if I started smoking, pay attention to remind students not to chest shrugging, smoking a deep and a number of , and then exhale.
2. The new award:
Appreciation of Beethoven's "Hero", "destiny" to sum up the dominant style of Beethoven.
To guide students to use light and flexible voice to sing "Little Cowherd", to stimulate a child's love of the folk songs of love and the feelings of love for the working people.
4. Specified rhythm melody compose, fill in the blank section in the second row. Together with the previous sentence with a sing sing, to see if fluent stream music Sogou Chang.
3, materials analysis and key, difficult
A: The three parts. (Re-Trilogy-style):
(1) Play the U.S. film "Voices" video clips, stimulate students interest in learning, to deepen understanding of the songs.
Tape recorder, tape, pens.
Difficulty: segmentation rhythm.
Fourth, teaching aids prepared
With the concert band accompaniment recordings.
Invite some students to play the role of song with an impromptu performance to guide students to think and feel.
Focus: segmentation, with a point.
Through the activities, the initial feelings of phrases and melodic tone down the development of relations.
3. Summary.
Listening to: "snow winter frost cold world music tutor"
(8) Finally, appreciation, attention to listen carefully to distinguish the voices, piano.
5, the teaching process
First, teaching content
Inspire students to use long smooth flavor, soft and coherent voice to sing the song the hero of the prairie dogs of compassion and kind feelings.
Third, focus: the thoughts and feelings expressed by feelings of songs to understand the characteristics of narrative songs.
2 0 5 5 7 6 5 3 - 5 1 - 6 - 1 2 - 1
5 6 7 1 7 6 5 4 3 3 2 -
(1) teachers and students say hello.
Through activities to develop students ability to tune to the feelings.
Flute: the old name for cross-wind, bamboo wind instrument, flute, on non-mainstream music, has opened a blow hole, pore, and 6 by means holes, divided into two kinds of bangdi and Qudi.
Sing: "We love the motherland at heart"
1. Organization of teaching:
A: There are relatively complete story.
A complete re-sing it again.
Tape recorders, tape.
Plot: In 1930, Hubei county in order to meet the Red Army's action to temporarily evacuate Peng Zhujiadun the Red Guards. Head of the local white are extremely Peng tyrant took the opportunity to come back for revenge, Red Guards in the party branch secretary Liu Chuang Han, and under the leadership of captain, persist in the struggle, continue to attack the enemy. Peng tyrant much panic, sending undercover agents around looking for traces of Red Guards. Captain Liu Chuang in the meter, the gun play detective and expose. Han Red Guards immediately organized the front ranks of the withdrawal, but the leader himself Wang and sub-standard by the enemy to seize. The enemy under torture and coercion, Wang S mutiny, Han is faithful and unyielding, and forced the enemy to come to Quan Jiang's mother exhorted each other to fight bravely. Wang S intends to back the enemy, so that his music tutor the Red Guards lured into the ambush circle. At a critical juncture, by Peng tyrant's adjutant (Mass Party) Xiangjiu escape the Han arrived in time, shot a traitor, and with the major forces operations to eliminate Peng tyrant.
(3) Learning lyrics:
1. Organization of teaching:
(3) deepen the experience:
"Snow winter frost cold world," Liu Hulan of this aria scene is just to tell the folks who brought back a victory news front. 2-5 or 2-5,5-2 melody occur several times in the four degrees, five degrees interval jump, highlighting the characteristics of Shanxi folk song melody. The second paragraph before the end of phrases, through the "cough hey yo" and lining the word transition, repeat the previous phrases, ending at the Palace of modal tonic, so that the whole aria firm, vigorous and fully demonstrated the revolutionary heroine Liu Hulan the spirit of optimism expressed Her strong faith in the triumph.
Word after the two tone, as well as syncopated staccato singing, the teacher should model for students to sing the master mold.
(3) to guide students to complete their homework, and sight-singing melodies to compose music, tutoring and assessment.
Read lyrics by rhythm.
Teachers: Please speak up for individual students.
Through the appreciation, understanding characteristics of the Guangdong-style melody, familiar with high-Hu's tone, feel emotion and image.
(7) introduced the writer:
1 - 5 4 - 3 - 5 5 6 7 1 - 1 -
3, materials analysis and key, difficult
Answer: 56.
Difficulty: 2 chorus.
"Bird in the Shade" is a dizi, Liu Band composer, written in the fifties. Folk music drawn from Hebei tone, using a non-governmental popular portamento, spit sound, flowers, etc. Splitting bamboo flute playing skills, a vivid demonstration of the scene in the Woodland Aviary contend, by King lyrical expression of the people's enthusiasm for a new life praise .
A total of eight sections beginning of primers. Echoed up and down the sentence, like the birds flying and the duet, a vivid introduction to the music, tutoring people to a world of birds. Soon as a prelude to the end of a playful birds.
5. After-school job: to appeal to all students with the Young Pioneers Battalion of the Department to create an environmental group, from what I start, start from the side, protecting the environment, do not give the earth mother added trouble.
(2) The student with the piano with the "lu" to singing.
Lusheng: in Sichuan and Yunnan area, there is a similarity with the Lusheng folk musical instruments, because of its struggle with the ring-Sheng Lo do, it is known as the gourd sheng. Lusheng is evolved from a gourd sheng. Lusheng Lo So the Big Dipper wooden, elongated, Sheng different number of tubes, at least there are single-tube, double pipe, the latter through the reforms have produced 26 and 36 of the Lusheng. Sheng-sheng, and gourd with different Lusheng on one more resonance bamboo tube, which sets out the Sound hole of the Lusheng, so that the volume increased even more beautiful tone. As the nation's different, Lusheng types are also different, the longest of the three big bass sounds are Liang Zhang Lusheng how high.
(1) turned a deaf ear, musician teaching singing "School Boy".
Dongbu La: It is a plucked string instrument Kazak. Over the past Dongbu La narrow range, the latter through an increase of Dongbu La transformation of taste, range expansion of the volume increase, but also separation of many kinds. In addition to the highest tone Dong Bula 14 strings, the rest are mostly two chords, tuning are basically four degrees or 5 degrees tuning, range over two octaves.
An expression to sing.
Bau much like the shape of the flute, or xiao, but its addition to a bamboo structure, there are reed, and the reed and the reed sheng different, Sheng is a tone of a reed, but it can be Bau a blow reed tone 9. Bau's opening eight holes on the bamboo in front seven, followed by 1.
"Edelweiss" is the American film "Voice" in an episode of the film, broadcast and spread all over the world, to become the world's peoples, one of favorite songs. With a reproduction of a single song for the Rings-style, due to emotional expression is relatively stable, the two paragraphs do not have a strong contrast to music, in addition to the second paragraph first music-based rhythm section appeared outside the music tutor. Songs by Edelweiss praise, to express a love of nature to life in the hands of the hero of the family, to his home deep blessings. So put the feelings of good singing this song will mold the sentiment of the students play a subtle role.
Fan sing to listen to recordings.
(1) to produce tape recorder and listen to tour again.
(2) produce a song sheet, review 6 / 8 patted the meaning of numbers: the quaver beat as one, each section 6 film, the strength of the law as "strong, weak, weak-strong, weak, weak."
5 3 1 2 - () 3 2 1 2 3 () 1 -
There is an emotional concert.
(5) re-listen, listen carefully identified Gaohu sound.
Fourth, teaching aids prepared
Listening to: "BBK"
Division: I just saw video students are, what feelings?
(1) Music tutor turned a deaf ear: Learning to sing the "Groundhog"
Thinking: This song can be divided into several parts?
Read lyrics by rhythm.
Focus: The modal students a sense of tonic and initial sense of ability to compose melodies.
Third, focus: broaden the horizons of students to understand the characteristics of ethnic minority instruments to stimulate the students patriotism and pride.
Third, focus: to enable students to recognize and understand bamboo flute feel the force and the performance of flute music's emotional and artistic situations.
2. The new award:
5 1 5 3 4 5 6 5 3 1 2
(2) Description Works:
(6) specified rhythms to complete the following melody:
"Cattle in the Meadow" (first time to teach)
Primers - A (Allegro) - B (free) - A
"Hard to open mouth to sing a good ballad," selected from the six opera "洪湖赤卫队," Chu The, and, music tutor Zhang Jingan, tert Ouyang Qian, Yang Zhao, Mei Shao Shan script, Zhang Jingan, Ouyang Qian tert-composer, is from Hubei Province in 1959 experimental opera premiered in Wuhan.
(2) Preliminary enjoy:
(3) learning song sheet:
1 = 2 / 4
Listening to: "sled"
1. Organization of teaching:
First, teaching content
(1) Review of C-flat note, telling students to "do" can be mobile, "do" the position has changed, the location of the other tone will be changed.
"Do-Re-Mi" and "Lonely Shepherd" were selected from the U.S. feature film "Voice", Oscar. Hammerstein songs, Richard. Rogers composer.
Division: many types of musical instruments of China's minority nationalities, characteristics of the concentration in the world is rare. According to statistics, there are about 300 kinds of musical instruments of China's ethnic minorities. Such as: Lusheng, Dong Bula, music, dances and music such as tutoring.
Read the German poet Schiller wrote of the same name poem "Ode to Joy." Beethoven's teens want to "Ode to Joy" Fiesta.
Learn to sing spectrum:
To do: In order to phrases ranked in order
"Love the Earth Mother" (first time to teach)
"Lonely Shepherd" is the movie performed by the children's puppet theater inside a narrative song. Authors used the anthropomorphic approach, described a shepherd with the old goat, little goat dialogue, songs and lively. Perform the melody in the use of intervals, and the uplink module into the use of such means, coupled with vividly singer to imitate the voice, so witty but funny song.
Teachers: Please you have to say, reading is for what? A social life in the old children working hard to get then for what?
1. Organizing teaching
Difficulties; about Rondo style of expression.
(2) voice training:
She painted hair, preparing one's own clothes props, write your own scripts, rehearsing a musical.
Music tutor two teaching purposes
(2) learning song sheet:
Use of sight-singing and listening to singing, the teacher sang spectrum, students find ways of learning melody song sheet. (Note: the first music segment two phrases, phrases are attached to the first point, second phrases no dot)
Division: Each nation has every ethnic apparel, customs, geographical location and so on.
7 - 7 5 - 3 - 5 2 - 1 - 5 4 -
North Korea is full of hope, song lyric, "a loyalty"
6. The end of school hours.
Fourth, teaching aids prepared
(Watch video)
Division: Today, we come to appreciate the "listen to Mama that thing of the past"
Learn to sing spectrum.
(2) Learning second tone the Department of song sheet:
Music tutors lyrics in the "hook Army", specifically the then entrenched reactionary forces Yan Xishan in Shanxi Province.
0 2 2 1 2 3 2 0 1 2 5 6 -
Listening to: Minority Musical Instruments
Tape recorders, tapes, computer.
Listening following the introduction of the game way to make the students listen identified the role of melody guess.
5. The end of school hours.
Review common rhythm.
To produce images, understand the culture of clothing apparel.
Group I: Group II:
Part II: description of the suffering of the old society, life, tune ups and downs larger intervals of enjoyed, as well as the use of syncopation, showing an indignant complaint of emotions, in which basically the same melody repeated four times, not only enhanced Narrative songs, but also a more concise and focused on material.
Music Tutor A: (slightly)
4. Summary.
Sing: "Snail and the Oriole Bird"
Second, the purpose of teaching
Fourth, teaching aids prepared
They should not rush to catch up sled,
(2) learning song sheet:
A segment is the elegant to the allegro, lively and cheerful, consists of two sections of a single Le Le sentence.
Fourth, teaching aids prepared
The whole song is "on, bearing, transfer, and" modal structure of the four phrases. Phrases of different lengths, but structured, giving the feeling of smooth symmetry.
Second, the purpose of teaching
With a relaxed and flexible voice, clear articulation song "School Boy", the performance of its lively, innocent image.
1, music tutors teaching content
Small Well little lad who had sworn, carrying those bags into the schools, not for an official nor is it for the face light, only to be stood up for the poor which are not subject to bullied uh not do cattle and sheep. Uh not do without people bully cattle and sheep.
"I love Milan," was originally a beautiful sounds of the popular song, later adapted into the Children's Chorus. Tribute to the way it is with the metaphor the teacher to cultivate the next generation worked hard to quiet dedication tunes smooth moving, earnest. Written in the form of songs with the main chorus, the main song is a melody similar to the two phrases to give a more stable tone tribute to the teachers to spend quiet to the window of Milan human spraying flowers, decorated with the youth of the noble character of the motherland. Chorus parts from the "ah, Milan," at the beginning, and gradually to a climax. Gradually tune up, layer upon layer forward, then gradually fell, and lyrics writing Bifeng a turn, people suddenly realized that yes, by Milan come tribute to the teacher. Students expressed their beloved teacher's infinite gratitude and heartfelt love of music, tutoring, listening to touching. Coupled with a whispered chorus department, so that more plump sweet songs.
5. Summary.
5, the teaching process
Gao Hu, China's national stringed instruments, made by the erhu reform, similar to erhu. Its tuning and the range four times higher than those erhu, in the band, he also served as treble voices, sound crisp, bright, so called "high-Hu."
Tape recorders, tape.
Third, focus: broaden the horizons of students feel the style of the foreign instrumental to understand the composer Tchaikovsky's life and, through the appreciation of students who love nature and love of life emotions.
First, teaching content
5, the teaching process
In joining in the chorus in the symphony is Beethoven's initiative, so that more expression.
1. Organization of teaching:
Secondly, the discussion, games, melody selection methods such as a combination of exercises.
1 = D 2 / 4
4. Music tutor Summary.
This is a difficult lesson, the teacher should help students to listen more, to sing. Note that the Ministry of Liangsheng harmony.
Analysis: identify the same or similar phrases.
5, the teaching process
(4) Learning lyrics:
(2) voice training:
To produce a computer screen, recognizing Beethoven.
2. Importing new lesson:
(3) to enjoy a second time.
2. Importing new lesson:
Learning lyrics.
(1) to produce tape recorder and listen to tour again.
"Prairie Dog" (the second time to teach)
1. Organization of teaching:
Sing: "The School Boy"
4. Summary.
Tape recorders, tape.
First, teaching content
With the understanding of the lyrics, listen to "Ode to Joy" theme, contact music music tutor in the first three chapters of the emotional experience of the composer. Here a climax, the performance of the Beethoven's yearning for the beautiful ideal of peace and freedom, celebrating peace. Solemn and holy.
Listening again.
Strong and flexible can be used full voice singing "We love the motherland at heart", and inspire students from the patriotic feelings.
5. The end of school hours.
(3), one to enjoy and experience sound.
Second, the purpose of teaching
(1) Import: Beethoven is rich in emotions.
"I love Milan" (the second time to teach)
Analysis of song melodies: The former four drop-back of audio respectively, compared with a pitch to play a sound, then after the four drop-tone effect with the following sentence sound the same, so that the commencement of interlocking phrases at one go. Finally, the song over the end line of the major scale the whole song. The original song's lyrics is the use of homophonic approach to writing.
4. Music tutor Summary.
6. The end of school hours.
1 2 3 4 5 1 1 7 6 -
(1) Beethoven left an invaluable spiritual wealth. We should use it to mold our sentiments and beautify our life.
Matouqin: rumored in the 12th century era of Genghis Khan appeared Matouqin. Matouqin are two strings, but it's not like bow on the erhu as cauda equina sandwiched between two strings, but with separate piano, as Western instruments like the violin bow. Matouqin the biggest difference is with the erhu resonator, not the same as the shape, there are trapezoidal, but also inverted trapezoidal sound Atsumi, musical, suitable for lyrical, always reminiscent of the vast prairie. It can be folk songs, dance accompaniment, can participate in ensembles, but also as a solo instrument. Matouqin was born in the Mongolian region, and his name in Eastern Mongolia Mongolia known as the "Moline Hur."
4. Music Tutor Appreciation "Für Elise"
Subparagraph (4) to enjoy:
Side by side readings to enable students to express the momentum out of action. And then asking the students with the piano singing songs first phrases in a few finished "5" after singing "I", pay attention to prompt the "I" in a weak beat, we should sing less.
(1) teachers and students say hello.
1. Organization of teaching:
"Snail's pace with the Oriole Bird" (the second time to teach)
Fourth, teaching aids prepared
(1) teachers and students say hello.
"We love the motherland at heart" (the second time to teach)
(1) the subject is highlighted.
5, the teaching process
(1) is highlighted topics: learn to sing the "snail's pace and the Oriole Bird"
"Sled" taken from the Russian composer Tchaikovsky's piano music, divertimento tutoring for "Four Seasons." 1863 Tchaikovsky should be "novelist" magazine's request, published in the supplement of each one and then the piano Solar Terms, together with the Russian poet's works as a poem. This particular asked him, not only to motivate the composer for the Russian people and the feeling of love of nature, but also contributed to this unique piano divertimento was born. It is said that in the twelve months, only in June, November composer can not find the "inspiration", However, later, looking for inspiration for the first time two of the most difficult music has become in most people's music 12 Welcome piano pieces, which in November is "sled." Optional for the November poem by Russian poet Nieke La husband made a lyric poem:
Accompanied by screen legend, leads to "Clair de Lune", the creation of the story contexts, to stimulate aesthetic motives.
(5), melody and fill out the following songs about the end of sound.
2. Importing new lesson:
1 = G 2 / 4
Music tutor tape recorder, tapes, video recorders, television sets, video tape.
Bau: Hani loved "all over", Dai mean when they say "worship", the Yi people playing the "Biru" or "Uul" are referring to the same kind of musical instrument, that is, Bau.
"I love Milan" (first time to teach)
3. The new award:
(1) learning song sheet:
Fourth, teaching aids prepared
(1) The students say hello.
5, the teaching process
Tape recorder, tape, small blackboard.
Further requests for individual students to talk about habits and customs of various ethnic groups.
2. Importing new lesson:
Tchaikovsky (1840 - 1893) Russian composer. Born in a noble family, He started studying piano and composition. After the law school to learn, to practice law after graduation. Because I do not like the job, but also with St. Petersburg College in 1862 into the composition, to teach after graduating from college in Moscow, and later specialized in writing. Tschaikov Music Tutoring Gauss hard work, in a variety of genres all have a large number of excellent works, such as the Opera "Onegin," "The Queen of Spades", ballet "Swan Lake", "The Nutcracker," "Sleeping Beauty" and multi-symphonies, concertos and symphonic poems and so on. In June 1863, Cambridge University awarded him an honorary doctorate. In the same year died. Tchaikovsky's filled with inner emotional and dramatic power, full of nature, for life, for the motherland and love of the nation's strong feelings, not only for professional workers in the deep appreciation of the favorite for the masses.
(2) Learning lyrics:
First, teaching content
Sing: "Edelweiss"
(6) to follow the recording have a passion for singing this song.
5, the teaching process
5. Used to design a beautiful living
With the medium-speed singing, music, tutoring affectionately.
(4) Introduction Author:
(1) the subject is highlighted.
Difficulty: song melody with a simple analysis, guide the students to feel the song's image and emotions.
Choirs of St. Philip were to enjoy the chorus and the world-famous singer Julio different styles of singing the "Ode to Joy."
1 2 3 4 5 1 6 6 5 -
1 = C 2 / 4
5. After-school job:
2. Importing new lesson:
Focus: promote a good image from a weak rhythm of phrases.
Sing: "Love the Earth Mother"
(1) Learning First Sound Division song sheet:
4. Listening to sounds of different instruments.
5, the teaching process
(1) teachers and students say hello.
Musicians Teacher: China is a multi-ethnic country, a total number of people?
(1) teachers and students say hello.
(2) students to think about the design of different situations, namely application "Ode to Joy" and "Für Elise."
4. Assignments: back to sing this song.
Focus: to enable students to experience an initial drop audio phrases and melodic development of relations.
(1) be familiar with the practice specified in the tone and rhythm.
(6) all students singing, and further understanding of the motherland and our relationship is flowers and sunshine, spring, and birds, the relationship between the dew and the grass, through the vivid metaphor, undulating melody sounds etc. ideological education, so that ideological and artistic unity.
"We love the motherland at heart" (first time to teach)
"The School Boy" (the second time to teach)
Requirements: This song spin music tutor legal smooth stretch, simple and sincere affection, praise the purity of the Edelweiss beautiful, expressing the feelings of love for the motherland. Singing songs to request a coherent, rich sense of three-beat rhythm.
Through the appreciation, understanding Trilogy-style songs and narrative features, and understand that in today's happy life is hard-won.
6. The end of school hours.
(3) re-listen to songs, thinking: This is a narrative song, then the narrative songs What are the characteristics?
(3) re-listen, think: can be divided into several parts?
2. Importing new lesson:
Second, the purpose of teaching
"Love the Earth Mother" (the second time to teach)
6. The end of school hours.
(3) Learning lyrics:
Tape recorders, tape.
Flower to the sun, recognize atrium, and the birds to the spring system in the wings, the small music tutor grass to hold in mind and rain, we love the motherland at heart. 啦 ... ... love the motherland and love the party, hot 呀 love of the party, 啦 ... ... red scarf singing, flying everywhere.
Today, we have to appreciate the choral "Ode to Joy," is Beethoven's "Ninth Symphony" 4th Movement of the most essence part.
5, the teaching process
5 1 5 3 4 5 6 5 3 1 2
5, the teaching process
"The School Boy" is a very playful element, and has a distinctive feature of the creation of southwestern folk songs, 2 / 4 beat, feather modal structure with a reproduction of a body. The song's rhythm with a relatively dense, rich melodies to dynamic, as well as sustain and Yi Yin decline in applications, a vivid portrayal of a School Boy lively image, colloquial lyrics again demonstrated that he knows the book Dali, a strong inner world of self-esteem .
Get out of those fears Yu heartbreaking,
Fourth, teaching aids prepared
4. Summary:
1. Organization of teaching:
Music tutors do: the completion of the prescribed rhythm melody
3. The new award:
Guangdong "BBK", Lü Wen-cheng Qu. This is the one with China's national musical instrument Gao Hu-based musical instrument of the folk music ensemble. Music for the D, Gong, 2 / 4 beat, creating a bold introduction of a new technique of expression, depending on the situation sound spectrum. Commenced on the 335 after the adoption of a sudden octave jump, and then again down to 5 scale-like tones, straight to the point of making music is full of concurrency, a passion to exert themselves, but also reflects the type of Guangdong Gao Qiang Xuan's features. Then, music with a natural flow, from time to time, circumflex orderly and highly dynamic language to move forward. Creation of a large number of repeated exchange using music to build up strength the way, or gradually rising, or gradually drop, there is Zhang relaxation, showing a step by step increase in mood.
(2), along with teachers and students to small notes, "move", and songs with melody, music, tutoring and training to sing a few G notation of the melody notes.
To listen to the first movement theme. From low to high expression of the author's right under the rule of Europe at that time in the dark of a feeling of anger.
(6) a full appreciation of the whole song.
Singing with the piano.
First, teaching content
(2) voice training:
Distinctive tone is the difficulty of this lesson.
(2) voice training:
Difficulty: promote a good image from a weak rhythm of phrases.
Song "We love the motherland at heart" is a clear focus on the theme, language, concise image, structure, structured songs, using G-flat, single-Rings-style. A segment is a complex Le Duan, the four phrases in the melody, both clever use of segmentation in the first half beat rhythm and the rhythm of ending, so that songs showing enthusiasm, lively playful element. Fourth phrases of the rhythm-based, reinforcing the tone of the lyrics to songs on the unity among the varied. Through a series of metaphors in the lyrics and parallelism on the way up to the full sheet music, tutor of the children's feelings of love for the motherland. Section B of the two phrases from the parallel structures that constitute emotional songs more active fluid. End of the audio processing in the main chord of the five sounds, the songs do quite keep a sense of meaning, as long as the end of the five beat sound, a symbol of the songs of young pioneers in the vast land of waves, flying all over the motherland.
"Lonely Shepherd"
2. Turned a deaf ear: Listen to "BBK".
(2) voice training:
(1) teachers and students say hello.
(1) teachers and students say hello.
1. Organization of teaching:
First, teaching content
5, the teaching process
1. Organization of teaching;
Edelweiss, Edelweiss in the morning you say hello to me. Also white, but also crystal clear, music tutor at me as if a smile. I wish you flowers white as snow, always bright flash-yao. Edelweiss, Edelweiss, the motherland is more enchanting springtime.
Through the appreciation songs image of the feelings and emotions.
5. Check the operation of.
(2) voice training:
5, the teaching process
"Listen Mama That thing of the past," Guan Hua words, Chouxi Xian Qu. Published in 1958 "children" the first issue. This can be the first solo singing of the narrative can also be children's songs, melodies and beautiful sounds, feelings of deep sincerity. Songs used with a reproduction of the trilogy style.
1. Organization of teaching:
Third, focus: experience of two different styles of work, understanding of the creation of Beethoven's extraordinary life.
Music tutor teacher Jane Jie: "Zhao Zhou Bridge", also known as an economic bridge, located south of Hebei province Zhao County poured River, is a famous ancient stone arch bridge, length 50,82 m, bridges, lacking a broad prospect 10 meters from the 28 Arch composed of parallel stripes, from Chun-Kai Huang Sui cause in the years to create the design. Zhao Zhou Bridge is the world's oldest stone arch bridge, its novel design, exquisite craft become the world's outstanding example of a bridge so that its span is also big at the time the number of creation, reflecting the ancient working people of our outstanding creative talent.
First, teaching content
(2) voice training:
Focus: to enable students to feel the song's image and basic emotions.
Thinking: What are musical?
Russia, in that the limitless expanse of snow and fog in the wilderness on the edge of pine forests along that winding trail, a horse-drawn sleigh flew Mercedes-Benz with snow rustling under its feet, the wind from Jan Music Tutor rolling snow flying, lively and cheerful songs ringtones intertwined, drifting far away along the road. This rich Russian folk paintings of rural amenities of this Shougang qin constitute the basic melody.
3 - 5 - 4 - 5 - 3 - 5 2 - 1 - 5
Tape recorders, tape.
A number of broken chords interspersed exercises help tone-style sense of stability.
Liang Sheng Department of singing harmony.
(2) voice training:
(5) do:
Focus: Multi-word audio.
(2) voice training:
2 1 7 1 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 -
Second, the purpose of teaching
1. Organization of teaching:
Teachers: There are various ethnic minorities who can talk about what instrument?
Music tutor 3, materials analysis and key, difficult
(5), introduced the flute:
Listening "sled"
Through appreciation, broaden their horizons, to understand the Russian composer Tchaikovsky's life, to develop students who love nature and love of life emotions.
3. The new award:
Sub-singing roles: narrator, Oriole, a snail. (Tone, tone, intensity differ)
Fourth, teaching aids prepared
(1) the subject is highlighted.
3, analysis and key, difficult
(2) voice training:
Sing: "Groundhog"
For example: 1 = C 2 / 4
Listening to: "Mama was thing of the past"
Music Tutor A: The third and first paragraph of the basic almost.
Fourth, teaching aids prepared
2. Importing new lesson:
(3) Learning song sheet: (First Sound Division)
(4) Teachers have feelings in Van singing, so that students can understand and reflect the genuine feelings for the motherland.
Fourth, teaching aids prepared
To produce illustrations to understand the shape characteristics of musical instruments.
(3) Liang Sheng Department of harmony.
The students listen Fan sing, and then appreciate to allow students to feel the song's image and basic emotions. (To learn to sing the song pave the way)
(4) to listen to reward "good ballad singing mouth hard to open."
To do: compose melodies
A: Teacher's Day.
7. The end of school hours.
Music tutor four, teaching aids prepared
1. Organization of teaching:
Which is exactly the same look for phrases, which are similar and use blocks of color or marking that out.
Teachers: Today we learned the song "Cattle in the Meadow" is a traditional opera repertoire, considered civil minor, that is popular and is very beautiful and moving. In the Han area is also popular with another one, "Cattle in the Meadow", please enjoy the following.
Second, the purpose of teaching
Su Jiaoban first 11 lesson plans
Difficulties; segmentation, with a point.
Recognition: to listen to sing melodies and sounds to fill the end of
1 = F 2 / 4
Guiding students to express their cordial and affectionate singing songs of desire to look forward to a beautiful environment. By learning to sing the songs, to enhance the environmental awareness of students and instilling in them self-conscious and civilized habits.
2. The new award:
Focus: 2 chorus.
(2) Music Tutor analysis insight:
(4) Learning lyrics:
(1) to produce tape recorder and listen to tour again.
Chou Xixian (1919 -) of modern writers. A long time in professional writing at the Central Philharmonic Orchestra for a large number of vocal works.
Teachers: Please place the students talk about its features.
Difficulty: segmentation rhythm and the rhythm of the first half of beat-ending.
5. The end of school hours.
To listen to Beethoven's "Ninth Symphony" fourth movement "Ode to Joy" theme, discuss their feelings.
Writing on the blackboard: 1 2 3 4 5 6
The students upon request Fill in the blanks on their own independently.
1 = C 3 / 4
"Love the Earth Mother" is a children's quartet songs are very beautiful song, 4 / 4 beat, big tune. The whole song is for the non-reproduction of a single-Rings-style, two Le Duan by two four sections of the phrases constitute. The first is the narrative of Le Duan, d the second paragraph is a song refrain music, sound area to improve, music, rhythm has become active in PTA, and the use of the ensemble approach, highlighting the "Love the Earth Mother," has a beautiful environment look forward to theme.
And the "Ode to Joy" for comparison.
(6) compared to understand, focusing on feelings.
Tape recorders, tape.
"Love the Earth" is the eternal theme of humanity, but also our duty. Desertification and floods are all human beings do not pay attention to environmental protection lead to tragedy.
"Edelweiss" (the first time to teach)
Is highlighted in a variety of singing.
To produce maps, to enable students to understand the distribution of various ethnic groups.
5, the teaching process
(4) The student-teacher co-arranged a number of rhythms, singing and dancing.
To guide students in bright, soft music tutors Coincidentally, voice, different tone and arrogant tone of the performance of the song and the perseverance of the orioles snail image.
"Prairie Dog" is a period of Beethoven's writing in Bonn, one of the many songs, according to the German poet Goethe's poetry and made of the same name. At that time, some poor people to earn a living, and often carried a prairie dogs wandering, this song expresses Rangers with his pet - Marmot 4 rush dependent as partners scenarios.






2. 4. 3.









3. 2.

A: Yes!








How to Design a Store Front Sign

In this Article we will talk about designing a store front for a business. What color or size should your Letters & designs be? What to put on your sign and why?, then be ready to Get in touch with sign people and get your best deal. Large lettering with out a front sign could save you time and money Do your products have a special shape or color to emulate on your sign? Kodak is always in yellow and black, Coca-Cola white on red, Etc. Muffler places, have a sign in the shape of a muffler. your phone number on the store front some place, but not on the identification sign, (door, or window) Your Product & logos can be arranged on the front sign, or window. Not on the Pole sign, Store hours & phone number could fit in your design and by using the product color, it could add product recognition & enhance your design. Suppliers may provide plenty of advert

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