
"fight club" the root of desire

of our efforts really like better, wear eye-catching, luxurious living, with the more it seems to own more secure. In fact, we do not know the original source of all suffering is desire. The more advanced material, it is more do not know what they need, so we fear that the soul, we multi-outside world has changed too, which we had no desire for material goods in someone else's desire to promote the next generation of its own desires.
Every day we live in a world full of someone else's world. News, newspapers, networks, all of the messages means to promote the people's things, war, murder and arson attacks, rape, explosions unheard of ...... but all things seem less shocking himself hard into my world, quiet the corner of Mody, nobody cares about me, no one will see me in any media. I am me, alone everyone. Where is my mind?
In fact, I have seen many, many times the "", the slow discovery of their own have gained is about the death of inspiration. A split personality of the guy, all day thinking about blasting, revolution, and his material and zero ... the Mara. Why do we have resonance seen it, why should we be shocked. The level is not a superb writer, nor is it performed excellent actors, directors it took to make the energy in the film. And us "," The Scream is precisely the lack of things --- our own courage.
Finally a family asked to: "if someone is a die-off of their loved ones do not?"
"I'm sorry, my family has been relatives of the deceased."
Third families also.
The strange thing is I am reminded of a story from Tibet ...

Second families ... the same answer.
  Background Music This is not your courage, daring impulses and his own fight, dare to make explosives, theft, human oil. But how you going to face themselves and face the death might come at any time. Life itself is vulnerable to a possible death at any time, as Shelley said, "Death in the death in that death is everywhere."
Knocking on the door of the first families. "Please save my child, as long as you do not have family at home had passed away."
One woman, Credit goes to a son. A child of the angels in general, but also smart lovable. Integrity of the quarter of children grow up and did not want a child, unfortunately, died. Woman you'd rather die a long time can not lose the child's grief get away, all day in tears, her visits with the child's corpse will be doctors, hope to find a revival of the child's prescription. But no one can help to her, she tells of the suffering everywhere. (Here a bit like Xianglinsao .. Hehe) later before she came to a living Buddha, the Buddha tells his own wishes, the Living Buddha told her that the child can be revived, as long as she went down a family, which families must be had never died pro-music player who found the child would be able to revive.
Sometimes we like a spectator-like look at their own lives, we call him one himself Tyler.durden.
Tyler: "We fear that the soul of the war, our panic is to their own lives."
Woman washed down the mountain.
FIGHT "the root of desire
Most of the time we live in a lost world of their own, we forget why we strive forward, forget why they are busy living like a repeat of the soap opera, everyone, like a bubble as there is no difference apart from different sizes.
The woman continues. "Please save my child, as long as you do not have family at home had passed away."
Finished the story, and could be the story of Tibet again and "" What is the relationship?
Sometimes, you want to efforts to justify their existence, in fact, fight club, as it is just labor. Idealist to say is this: the world's not that I mind mapping Mody. Oh, this self-comforting thought .... is absolutely correct! Just as you are now sitting in front of a computer, watching the one called "Jade Season" magazine, but what is true? Is not a computer, not a "jade season," you may one closes his eyes, all this does not exist, and as long as you want it does not exist, and even the whole world can turn a blind eye, so this will all just because you exist.
How we will look at how the Church must face their own death. Conjecture that Raymond wanted to veterinary surgeons in the convenience store was shot behind the head to withstand the time what he was thinking, if given the time each of us such an opportunity, whether we will go to the courageous thinking of an issue - death.



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