Everyone wants to avoid failure. Sometimes people procrastinate hoping to avoid failing. In reality procrastinating, prevents success. Procrastinating keeps you from getting started and getting started is the only way to be successful at anything.
Write down all the negative things that can happen if you fail to take action.
Set a deadline for every action that you have to do as part of your plan.
Create a list of all the positive things that will result when you complete the actions that are part of your plan.
Design a plan or create a list of actions you want to perform. Share it with others. Telling people about your plans and expected results gets you one step closer to accomplishing them.
Join a mentoring group or form one of your own. This group of people should be willing to support each other as well as help each other accomplish the plans they have established.
Surround yourself with people who want your success. This support group will help you stay on target to meet your objections. Tell them to call you as you reach every step in your plan to make sure you are doing what you told them you would.