
How to Start a Cat Grooming Business at Home

Running your own business is an appealing alternative that many Americans are starting to pursue. The Internet has made it possible to establish a presence and advertise without spending a large amount of money. These opportunities are unlimited and people are trying many different kinds of businesses. Animals have always needed grooming services, and cat grooming is becoming more popular. Cats are small enough that a large space is not required and thus makes an ideal home business.

Obtain finances in order to purchase equipment and supplies. This may be in the form of bank or other loans, savings accounts, or investing with a partner.

Create a business plan and research the requirements for your state.The Small Business Administration has tools to help with this step (see resources).

Apply for any small business permits or licensees that are required by your state. Pay any associated fees for these permits.

Check the regulations of you neighborhood or homeowners association to ensure you are allowed to run a business out of your home. Get permission from your neighbors if necessary.

Create a space in your home to dedicate to your business. Install a grooming sink and table in which to work on the animals. Purchase grooming supplies including shampoos, brushes, leashes and collars. Buy kennels to hold the cats while not grooming.

Create a name for your grooming business. Research the name to ensure there are no copyrights or patents on the name you choose

Difficulty: Moderately Challenging
