Just about every business out there needs a cash register to store transactions, as well as keep money safe. If you want to save money, and want to buy used, let me show you how you can find some great deals on used cash registers.
A site that many people tend to forget is eBay. eBay is loaded with items, as well as cash registers. You'll find that many businesses are going out of business, or they are looking to sell older models. This is a great way to take advantage of a deal.
The newspaper might not be your cup of tea, and I can understand that. Head online to sites such as Craiglist, and do a search in your local area. You will hopefully find a few that are online. Just be careful of scams, and always make sure you can look at it to make sure it works, before you for over any money.
If you know of a business going out of business in your area, stop in one day, and ask if the cash registers are for sale. You'll be amazed at what businesses are trying to sell.
Start by going to your newspaper's classifieds. I know it sounds like an old school technique, but here, you'll be able to find a whole bunch of items that are up for sale by individuals, as well as businesses.
The last thing you will want to consider is buying new. Places like Amazon, as well as other retailers online have great deals that you can take advantage of. Check out new prices, before you buy used, to see if you're really getting a good deal.