Microfiche is an older technology that maintains many benefits in the modern world. Data is reduced to a small print and stored on film, which has many advantages. The film is then read by a microfiche reader. This device also has significant benefits compared with other machines for acquiring information. Schools, governments and libraries have enjoyed the advantages of microfiche for decades.
- The significantly reduced size of microfiche allows large amounts of information to be stored in a small space. About 2,000 times more information can be stored on fiche in a given area compared with the space needed for the original documents. Collections of fiche are easily reorganized or expanded to accommodate new materials, a luxury not shared with large rooms of books and periodicals.
- Unlike computers, which involve a learning curve to manipulate online databases and search archives, microfiche readers are easy to learn and use. The U.S. Navy studied the potential for new recruits to utilize microfiche readers in an effort to streamline training programs. They concluded that little instruction is needed for the average individual to use any of the variety of microfiche readers available.
- Unlike computers, which require that specific international fonts be installed and configured for data in other languages to properly display information, microfiche is based on images, and no additional setup is required. Individuals with fluency in the fiche's language can usually skim multiple sheets quickly with nothing more than a magnifying glass. When the desired information is found, the microfiche reader allows instant detailed reading, regardless of language, without the many bugs associated with foreign languages on electronic devices.
- The simple technology behind microfiche readers, coupled with the decreased demand due to computer use, makes these devices an attractive acquisition. New microfiche readers may be purchased for as little as $300, making them cost-effective even when compared with inexpensive modern computers. Used microfiche readers may cost as little as $50.
- In addition to the low costs of microfiche readers, so too is the distribution of content on microfiche film a savings. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization compared microfiche with traditional paper for the effectiveness of sharing scientific research internationally. The study concluded that microfiche is less expensive than distributing hard copies of research on paper in most cases, except when recipients chose to subsequently print out the information contained on film.
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