
How to reduce your eBay fees

In this eHow you will learn:
- How to reduce eBay costs and increase profits.
- Create professional looking listings.
- Apply this knowledge to become a powerseller.
- Add multiple pictures to your listing without paying extra picture fees to EBAY.
- How presentation of your item can make your item sell.

An example of one of my photos that I took and edited.
An example of one of my photos that I took and edited.

I will note that the software I purchased has since expired and I have not purchased it again. At this point I have developed a good seller base and feedback rating that I do not feel that I need it anymore. I would, however, suggest purchasing some photo editing software if you plan on running an eBay business. Photoshop Elements 7 is currently the software I use. I purchased mine at Best Buy as a package deal with a special editing pad and pen (which is not necessary but very helpful). I also purchased good digital camera (I prefer the cannon powershot). You should purchase a camera that has a "macro mode." This mode allows you to take really close pictures that are extremely clear and crisp. I have seen a tremendous increase in my sales since these two purchases. My pictures just simply stand out better then the competitions. The picture is the most important part of the listing; it is what attracts the buyer to click on your listing. Your picture mus t be clear and unique to other listings. I have uploaded one of my listing photos that I have taken and edited myself for your reference.

Professional Listing Software www.alienfiles.net
Professional Listing Software www.alienfiles.net


You have a few options. You use eBay's text editor when listing an item or you can use the html code for you listings. This is a somewhat slow process. If you want to add extra pictures to your listings without paying extra money to eBay you can go to www.photobucket.com or www.imageshack.com These are some sites where you can sign up for a free account and upload pictures for free. After they are uploaded, you copy the TAG code that is generated and paste the code into the html description when listing your eBay item. This is a great alternative, but it too is a slow process. The easiest way to create these listings is to invest in some top of the line software. I purchased mine for $69.95 at www.alienfiles.net This is very good software which allows you to add a gallery of pictures that are zoomable, add links to websites, add audio and video files, and you can dress up the background of your listing f or free (eBay charges extra $$$ per listing for this feature.) There are way too many features to list so I suggest that you visit the website. There they give detailed descriptions and pictures of all of the features. I was a little hesitant to drop $69.95 on software, but I am glad that I did. The software has already paid for itself and I have see a tremendous increase in the amount of sales I make. Once you make enough sales for the software to pay for itself the real profit will begin. Remember that you are saving money from the software you purchased.

My company Logo TM
My company Logo TM

I hope you have found this eHow helpful. If you would like to checkout some of my listings I invite you to visit my eBay store as a reference. I no longer use the alien files software for my listings, but I still use photobucket as an image host. Here is the link to my eBay store: http://stores.ebay.com/LETERAS


You're probably familiar with the many fees that are associated with eBay. They make it seem like you have to spend a fortune to make your listings stand out from the rest and, if you use eBay's tools, you most certainly will spend a fortune. I, like many other eBay users, have started out on eBay with very limited knowledge. When I would list an item to sell it would look very plain and simple. When shopping on eBay
I would come across a listing that just totally hooked me into buying the item. Think about it, who would you rather have to perform surgery on your body? A professional doctor or the local newspaper deliverer? My point exactly. This is true for making sales on eBay. SEEING IS BELIEVING. IF you've ever taken a writing class, the professor
usually stresses you to show the reader not just tell. By creating long, professional looking listings you can incr ease your sales by at least 50%.

Difficulty: Easy



How to Design a Store Front Sign

In this Article we will talk about designing a store front for a business. What color or size should your Letters & designs be? What to put on your sign and why?, then be ready to Get in touch with sign people and get your best deal. Large lettering with out a front sign could save you time and money Do your products have a special shape or color to emulate on your sign? Kodak is always in yellow and black, Coca-Cola white on red, Etc. Muffler places, have a sign in the shape of a muffler. your phone number on the store front some place, but not on the identification sign, (door, or window) Your Product & logos can be arranged on the front sign, or window. Not on the Pole sign, Store hours & phone number could fit in your design and by using the product color, it could add product recognition & enhance your design. Suppliers may provide plenty of advert

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用Goole Blogger的自定义域名功能需要用到 ghs.google.com 做CNAME,或者用ping ghs.google.com 得出的IP做一个A记录.但是,伟大的GFW已经把 ghs.google.com 和部分IP屏蔽在大陆之外.这样的壮举使得我们的自定义域名不能正常访问,或者让你的网页背景.图片被滤掉,精心做成的模板变得惨白不堪. 那么,我们可不可以找一个替代 ghs.google.com 的地址呢?当然能.因为Google是强大的.它有许多有用的IP地址让你去探寻. 对 ghs.google.com 分析研究后发现, ghs.google.com 这台服务器并没有提供实质性的服务,而只是选择访问者访问最快的服务器(Google全球性公司,很多地区都有服务器).我们只要找到其他服务器的IP地址,并且这个IP地址没被屏蔽,那么就成了. 寻找这样的IP地址需要用到tracert命令.即在CMD模式下输入:tracert ghs.google.com ,在已经屏蔽的当下,最后自然得不出结果,这就需要我们使用代理了.使用不同地区的代理运行tracert ghs.google.com 命令. tracert ghs.google.com 的最后一跳会有类似这样的域名: eh-in-f121.google.com 如果在不用代理的情况下,你能ping通这个域名,那么恭喜你,你找到了!现在就可以用这个域名代替 ghs.google.com 设置你的CNAME了,ping出的IP地址可以做A记录,CNAME和A记录,只做其中之一就可以. hs-in-f121.google.com eh-in-f121.google.com bx-in-f121.google.com ik-in-f121.google.com 这4个在我所在地区不能使用,而可以使用 tw-in-f121.google.com 或者209.85.171.121也可用 下面是一些不断更新的: 除了使用代理来寻找,也可以通过一些网站提供的功能来寻找这个地址,很方便,就是使用网站提供的Traceroute.这些网站有: h